Thinking Anglicans

from the papers

Face to Faith in today’s Guardian is written by Jonathan Romain and considers prostitution in Hebrew scripture.
Diarmaid MacCulloch reviews a new book by Karen Armstrong in The axis of goodness.

The same book is also reviewed today in the Independent by Peter Stanford.

Stephen Plant writes in The Times Credo column Let all churches enjoy the feedom to teach.
There is also an extract from the new book by Edward Stourton in From the Cold War to the Council: the making of a Polish Pope and this sidebar.

Christopher Howse write in the Telegraph about the new winner of the Templeton prize, John Barrow in Space means not dread but life.

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Martin Reynolds
19 years ago

Diarmaid offers an interesting critique of Armstrong’s thesis.

By way of nothing in particular he adds this:
“Much modern religion is ignorantly dogmatic, especially inclined stridently to proclaim how right it is and how wrong everyone else is. We now face very serious danger from it, whether it calls itself Christianity, Islam or any other label. To stand up to it is a duty of civilisation.”
I will look for someone to set this to a good tune. It will make a stirring anthem.

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