Thinking Anglicans

California episcopal election

Update Saturday morning
The Times carries this article by James Bone Lesbian priest who could split the Anglican Church
Chicago Tribune via Lesbian priest may be selected for bishop position Original version: Pastor doesn’t shy from call
Reuters Episcopals consider gays in Calif. bishop election
Washington Post In Bay Area, Diocese May Elect Gay Bishop
Tri-Valley Herald Faithful facing colossal decision
National Public Radio feature on this (3.5 minutes) Listen via this page
San Francisco Examiner Anglicans choosing a bishop and see also the front page headline of the newspaper today (pdf format)
BBC Radio: Today programme interview of David Anderson and Susan Russell (4 minutes)
(hat tip KH for several of these links)

Update Friday
The New York Times has this on the eve of the election Episcopalians Divide Again Over Electing Gay Bishop

There are several news reports about this election for the Diocese of California, which takes place next Saturday.
The election site with all the official information is here.

San Mateo County Times Bishop hopefuls aim for diversity

AP via San Jose Mercury News California Episcopalians consider electing gay bishop

San Franciso Chronicle Gay issue at forefront of Episcopal bishop vote

Marin Independent Journal Episcopal churches brace for election of bishop

Los Angeles Times Church Braces for Possible Election of Gay Bishop

Christian Science Monitor Episcopalians face key votes over gays

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18 years ago

Believe me, I pity anyone who gets the religion beat for the USA – the range of religious expression, polity, issues, and everything else from architecture to zoos, humane treatment of animals in, in just the Christian churches – is huge.

But I hope someone will gently enlighten the AP writer about the relationship of TEC to the Anglican Communion. We are much older than it is. And I see that Fr. Zahl is at his most conciliatory.

18 years ago

“The Rev. Paul Zahl, dean of the conservative Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pa., likened the election of a gay bishop in California to ‘a terrorist bomb, which is timed to destroy a peace process.'”

Is there a peace process going on? Did I miss something? :-/

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

While the Diocese of California gets all the hullabaloo (Los Angeles Times “Church Braces for Possible Election of Gay Bishop”??? Just lie back, and think of the Empire! *LOL*), could y’all also spare a thought/prayer for my home diocese, in *Northern California*? (Cathedral in Sacramento: they’re having their episcopal election the same day—but because it’s just 3 middle-aged straight white guys running, *zero* attention!)

God bless the Episcopal Church. 😀

18 years ago

Fairly fundamental premise: God is Love.

So I just keep asking myself on a daily basis, “Where can Love be found in this mess?” and “What voice represents Love?” and “Where is Love being denied?” and “What voice speaks against Love?”

18 years ago

Some of the rest of us are asking what is in accordance with Love in this case. Is it loving to ignore one’s brother’s sin, or to scandalize brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world? On the other hand, is it loving to place burdens upon a person without inquiring with them as to whether God has given them the burden and the grace to bear that burden?

To some extent I think this is the conundrum the Anglican Communion is struggling to resolve.


18 years ago

At least one on-line betting site – Paddy Power – has posted odds and is taking bets on the Diocese of California election. It identifies which are the gay candidates.

Sorry, Northern California, all you get is our prayers! [And those you have – we are just beginning the process of choosing a co-adjutor here in Diiocese of Virginia, and would appreciate yours, too.]

18 years ago

It seems the critical fault line is whether you believe homosexuality itself is a grave sin. If you don’t, then the question becomes whether a homesexual must be celibate to be a bishop (or a priest?) as in almost all of the US two men or two women cannot marry. My own thought is that I’d rather have a homosexual who is in a long-term monogamous relationship as a priest or bishop than a heterosexual person who has difficulties with being in one. (I guess that gives away that my answer to my question is “No.”)

Simon Sarmiento
18 years ago
Marshall Scott
18 years ago

Prayers for California, for Northern California, and for Tennessee, which goes into a third weekend of electing tomorrow. Tennessee takes to so long because election requires a 2/3 majority, and not a simple majority, in both orders on the same ballot to elect. I used to be in that diocese, and think there’s a good point to that: the person elected has support from, or at least acceptance from, a super majority of the leadership. However, it can make for long elections. Tennessee is also an interesting counterpoint to California. Tennessee’s current bishop has been a strong supporter of AAC… Read more »

Breen Mullins
Breen Mullins
18 years ago

I believe Eastern Michigan is also electing tomorrow.

18 years ago

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well. Things are happening as they are for a reason, and maybe someday we’ll know what that reason was. Or not.

Prayers for all who will elect new Bishops today, and prayers for all who won’t. Let’s get on with our charge of making Jesus Christ known in the world. (And yes, that includes to gay people.)

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