Thinking Anglicans

ECUSA: press reports

Following the recent meeting of the ECUSA House of Bishops, there have been American press reports which attempt to put the forthcoming General Convention into context:

Reuters Michael Conlon U.S. Episcopal church faces another showdown over gays

Associated Press Rachel Zoll Episcopal leader: concern on gay candidates for California bishop

The House of Bishops itself issued this: A Word to the Church which includes the following:

The unity, mission, and faithfulness of the Church are matters very much in our prayers. We strongly affirm our desire for the Episcopal Church to remain a constituent member of the Anglican Communion, and we recognize that the gift of communion requires generosity and restraint on the part of all. We were blessed by the presence and presentation of our guest from the Church of England, the Right Reverend Michael Langrish, Bishop of Exeter, who encouraged and challenged us in respect to our relationship with the larger Anglican Communion. On behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Ms. Sue Parks, the Manager of the Lambeth Conference, briefed us on the plans for the Lambeth Conference 2008.

We believe that the most effective way to foster communion is to be present for each other, as often as possible, so that we may learn from each other, be corrected by each other, and discern the mind of Christ together. In this regard we were encouraged by the report of the Special Commission on the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. We welcomed the Commission’s overview of the report that it is preparing in order to assist the General Convention in addressing the critical issues and concerns raised in the Windsor Report, in the Primates’ Communiqué, and by the Anglican Consultative Council. The report, which will be completed and issued early in April, affirms our commitment to the Anglican Communion, and will include a number of resolutions to be proposed for consideration by the General Convention. We commend to the prayerful reflection and legislative process of the General Convention this report of the Special Commission as a way forward in faithfulness to our Lord, to the Episcopal Church, and to the Anglican Communion.

The House of Bishops also issued this pastoral letter: The Sin of Racism: A Call to Covenant.

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J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

“We strongly affirm our desire for the Episcopal Church to remain a constituent member of the Anglican Communion, and we recognize that the gift of communion requires generosity and restraint on the part of all…

The report, which will be completed and issued early in April, affirms our commitment to the Anglican Communion, and will include a number of resolutions to be proposed for consideration by the General Convention.”

:::me so nervous::: :-/

[Checking condition of my “life-jacket” (relationship w/ Christ), in case we LGBTs should get pitched over the side of the boat…]

Marshall Scott
19 years ago

J. C.: The relationship with Christ is in fact the whole boat; neither you nor any GLBT Christian should have to settle for a life jacket.

Seriously, while I imagine the General Convention will struggle to find moderate and centrist language, I don’t expect anyone to be cast out. Some may, in dissatisfaction with that, may leave; but I don’t expect anyone to be cast out.

J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

Marshall, if by “restraint” GC decides to *RESTRAIN LGBT PERSONS* (from consecrations or blessings of our unions), then I would consider that “being pitched” (which is not to say I would leave—because, unlike so-called “reasserters”, I believe that any mistakes GC does, GC can *undo*. Still… 🙁 ) [*NB: in comparison to a (mere) “life-jacket”, I meant my *individual/personal relationship to Christ*. While that’s a very significant—in my more evangelical moments, I’d say “essential”—thing, nevertheless, I still believe that “one Christian is no Christian”. I can’t settle for one-on-one, I need the *whole* Body of Christ. As much as I… Read more »

Marshall Scott
19 years ago

J. C.:

I have also thought about those circumstances under which I might have to leave ECUSA for more liberal pastures – and this with a pension in the balance. I’m praying it doesn’t go whether either of us would have to do so.

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