Thinking Anglicans

Nigeria: Canadian bishops speak out

According to the Anglican Journal:

Canada’s Anglican bishops unanimously endorsed a motion expressing “grave concern” about proposed legislation in Nigeria that “would prohibit or severely restrict the freedom of speech, association, expression and assembly of gay and lesbian persons.” Their motion also called criticized the (Anglican) Church of Nigeria for its support of the legislation…

Full news story.

Anglican Mainstream has issued an editorial comment, defending the Nigerian church, in response to this news story. You can read that here.

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Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

May God bless the Canadians for looking at the “big picture” implications. We should also remember that the conditions of fascism did not lead to just one outbreak in one country. If we want to avoid it, we have to look at the root problems. Being in the pockets of people who would premeditatively train people in suppression techniques in order to preserve their financial and political power base is not solving the root problem. There are shades of the courts of Daniel’s time – those who would do whatever is required to preserve their power base (including trying to… Read more »

R. Fletcher
R. Fletcher
18 years ago

Anglican Mainstream conveniently focusses on the issue of “gay marriage” and ignores the things beyond that which are of most concern, the breach of human rights around assembly, expression, and freedom of the press. Were I convinced that the Anglican Church in Nigeria were engaged in this debate in a manner that was fully within the spirit of Lambeth and had concern for the well being of all Anglicans, including those who are gay/lesbian then perhaps I would encourge them. But my fear is that the church has done more to sponsor this legislation than to debate it. Another example… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
18 years ago

The Mainstream piece is fantastic.

But I wonder over this quote from the Canadian bishops: “would prohibit or severely restrict the freedom of speech, association, expression and assembly of gay and lesbian persons.”

How is it that so many have such difficulty understand that the proposed Nigerian legislation prohibits and restricts the Freedom of speach, & c. of a l l Nigerians, not just those of a minority?

Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

Goran et al. No man is more blind than one determined not to see (especially when they are up to their armpits in the stench of their complicity). Good feed line into some of my latest contemplations that God dislikes divorce, but he hates abuse (especially in His Name) even more! For those who want a bible study to back this up, here some starters. From God sending humanity into exile to taste the fruits of Babylonia (also note God’s wrath at those who try to avoid exile) see: Lamentations 2:1-4, Isaiah 5:13-17, Ezekiel 12 & 13, Hosea 2:2-7, Jeremiah… Read more »

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