Thinking Anglicans

more about Nigeria

First, the Guardian’s blogsite, comment is free published Partners in prejudice by Peter Tatchell. This is described by Jim Naughton as a “searing attack” on the Archbishop of Canterbury. Tatchell is not polite about the Archbishop of Abuja either.

Second, Changing Attitude has issued a press release entitled IDAHO – the International Day Against Homophobia. This notes that the proposed Nigerian legislation will:

Any Nigerian bishop who tries to listen to homosexual experience in accordance with commitments made by the Anglican Communion will be labelled a supporter of homosexual people and be at risk of prosecution under the terms of the new bill, subject to a maximum prison sentence of 5 years.

The bill will make it impossible for any Nigerian bishop fulfil the commitment of the Anglican Church expressed in the Windsor report to listen to the experience of lesbian and gay people.

Changing Attitude Nigeria thanks the Canadian bishops who have spoken their mind robustly in criticising the Nigerian bill and disassociating from it.

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18 years ago

CA Notes that. “The bill will make it impossible for any Nigerian bishop fulfil the commitment of the Anglican Church expressed in the Windsor report to listen to the experience of lesbian and gay people” As I repeatedly say, I do not support the Nigerian legislation, despite being in favour of the part of resolution 1998 1.10 that states apart from “listening” that: “in view of the teaching of Scripture, [This Conference] upholds faithfulness in marriage between a man and a woman in lifelong union, and believes that abstinence is right for those who are not called to marriage:” Now… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
18 years ago

Possibly because we who live in these lands haven’t heard of such a thing…

Dear Dave!

18 years ago

On 22 May Dave wrote: …”I haven’t heard one ‘liberal’ ever denounce … legal enforcement of their views as oppressive!”

As I feared; for a week no liberal contributor has been willing to post anything against the legal suppression of conservative’s views in Canada, Sweden or [potentially] the UK ! I must therefore assume that they are themselves “Human Rights deniers” — denying me my freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of association” !

Simon Sarmiento
18 years ago

Could you explain to us fairly exactly how the proposed UK legislation will do what you claim? I take it you are referring to the proposal for new Sexual Orientation Regulations; the consultation document is at

18 years ago

Dear Simon Here are some examples that show how “Gay Hate” speech is being defined not just as violent or threatening speech (or direct incitement to violence) but rather any negative comment or teaching – which includes stating on grounds of religious teaching, or reasoned arguement, that same-sex sex is wrong: From Sweden: and the case against the Pastor was eventually thrown out: From Canada: and comments from “Dignity Canada” that demand that the law should not allow anyone to say that sexual conduct between people of the same sex is morally wrong: Some expected… Read more »

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