Thinking Anglicans

BBC interviews Bishop Gladwin

Today’s Sunday radio programme interviews John Gladwin about what really happened last week. 5 minutes long.
Go about 39 minutes forward using this link (better link on Monday).
New permanent link to this here.

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18 years ago

It always gets interesting to hear the cultural differences in these radio interviews. I guess that Bishop Gladwin sounds like – to me – he is in a bit of a coming out process himself. That is to say, he sounds like he is just starting to take a more public stand, buffeted by media whirlwinds perhaps, about being able to separate out noticing Anglican differences from being able to effectively cooperate in some service or other sort of shared project. The clear witness that probably upsets Anglican Uniformity junkies sounds like the witness that the call to uniformity or… Read more »

John Simmons
18 years ago

Did anyone else notice that when the bishop was asked if his programme in Kenya was indeed able to go ahead he said “yes” initially, but then said that the 20 curates were able to complete their programme – which does not sound quite the same?

Or maybe I am splitting hairs.

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