Thinking Anglicans

reports from Columbus 3

Saturday morning, and the resolutions are moving very slowly. It seems they will not be reported out until Monday.

Very little in the British newspapers: Stephen Bates slightly revised yesterday’s Guardian website article for the morning paper, US church heads for deadlock on split with Anglican communion.
Associated Press British church leaders pressuring Episcopal assembly over gay bishops
Reuters Episcopal church struggles with gay issues
Anglican Journal Convention encompasses more than sexuality issues.
Houston Chronicle Anglican uproar draws divided response

Another English bishop in Columbus is Michael Nazir-Ali who delivered this sermon at a service “held by the American Anglican Council, Anglican Communion Network and Forward in Faith, attended by 200 people including a number of bishops.” Source: Anglican Mainstream

And here is the sermon preached by Gene Robinson at the Integrity service, held at the same time: many more people attended that one.

According to the Columbus Dispatch at least 1000 were there, and only about 80 at the other one: Rift splits worshippers.

Here is a transcript by the Living Church of what John Sentamu said to the Special Committee on 14 June.

Several versions of what Kenneth Kearon said to the House of Bishops are linked from here. What he said to Matthew Davies of ENS is transcribed in full here and can be seen in Friday night’s video report.

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18 years ago

I am very happy to learn more about the various newer shifts/initiatives related to cultural pluralisms, intergroup relations, and racisms in ECUSA. Growing in our cultural competencies will be important for the foreseeable provincial future, no doubt about it. So far as losing 38K annually in members, we might have to put this in the larger population demographics of the post-WWII babyboomer birth rates. We are – for example – looking at a smaller predicted workforce, though maybe not that much of an actual decrease if older workers keep working and feel welcome to do so even after retirement ages… Read more »

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

From “Anglican Mainstream’s” intro to +Nazir-Ali’s sermon (80 in attendance, versus 1000+? Who’s mainstream? Nevermind): “Bishop Michael Nazir Ali preached on the Holy Spirit in the context of the convention where biblical texts and Christian teaching were being discarded…” :-0 Just like that. Anglican Mainstream says “convention where biblical texts and Christian teaching were being discarded”. How the heck are we supposed to DIALOGUE, w/ people who *define us* as being anti-Christian? >:-/ :::Pictures the Great Episcopal GC Bible/Patristics-Burning Bonfire::: Moving on— +Nazir-Ali: “The Holy Spirit bears witness to Jesus. He [sic] takes the things of Jesus and makes them… Read more »

John D
John D
18 years ago

I’ll gladly assume the cost of air fare for all of the lovely English bishops encamped in Ohio if they will just go home, shut up, and let my poor, provincial church work-out this family feud.THEN, they can all howl at will, because they aren’t going to be pleased with anything American but +Duncan and the schismatics.

18 years ago

Dear JCF, We’re just plain simple *believers* and *followers* of Christ. He has already made most things clear to us… if you believe what He and His apostles taught! If you are trying to work it out for yourself from other assumptions (or none) I’m not surprised that you are confused… but don’t make a virtue out of it! Anyway it looks like your “institutional left” is caving in to the Communion.. cos in the end they have no validity outside of the Communion. They are not prepared to take a stand on principle, and leave if necessary.. unlike the… Read more »

18 years ago

At this critical time would not some kind of supportive comment from the likes of the Bishops of Edmonton and Horsham be welcome?

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

“if you believe what He and His apostles taught!”

No, Dave, you mean if I believe what *you* and *your apostles* (the bishops you look up to, like +Nazir-Ali) teach.

I don’t pretend to KNOW what Christ taught—only that I “read, study, learn, mark and inwardly digest” the words of Christ in Holy Scripture (along w/ Holy Tradition and Sweet Reason).

But Christ IS “The Word of God”: I *trust* him.

Knowing his will, “plainly”? That I leave to those more saintly (or is it arrogant?) than I am… ;-/

Simon Sarmiento
18 years ago

OK let’s limit any further comments here to the events in Columbus up to this point, rather than attacking other commenters.

thomas bushnell, bsg
18 years ago

when is the last time a raft of American bishops popped over to some other province and started ordering them around?

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