Thinking Anglicans

the new ECUSA PB: some information

The Living Church had this profile and this more detailed Q&A.

The Witness had In Their Own Words: Katharine Jefferts Schori and this interview.

Episcopal Life had this interview.

A video interview with her can be found on this ENS page.

The American Anglican Council published a profile (scroll down)

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don Temples
18 years ago

Simon — Father Jack reports approval by the House of Deputies at

18 years ago

Here’s a report from the House of Deputies from the Diocese of Indianapolis convention blog:

don Temples
18 years ago

Here’s a news story from the Diocese of Washington about the House of Deputies confirmation and the upcoming installation in November at the National Cathedral:

Spirit of Vatican II
Spirit of Vatican II
18 years ago

I wonder if at the next gathering ECUSA will have to issue the following apology: “Resolved, the House of _____ concurring, That the 75th General Convention of the Episcopal Church join the House of Bishops’ March 2005 “Covenant Statement” in expressing “our own deep regret for the pain that others have experienced with respect to our actions at the General Convention of 2003 and we offer our sincerest apology and repentance for having breached the bonds of affection in the Anglican Communion by any failure to consult adequately with our Anglican partners before taking these actions.” Resolved, the House of… Read more »

18 years ago

Wow ! Wonderful news ! Now the self appointed ‘conservatives’, ‘tradtionalists’ and ‘orthordox’ (I crease up at orthordox! 🙂 ) really have something to think about ! They really have to decide if being female is worse than being queer ! And if early reactions on Titus etc., are anything to go by, they are happy to out themselves as ss –seriouslysexist. I have even read , more than once, that being female is ‘a lifestyle unacceptable to the majority of the AC, ‘Global South'(whatever that may be),and ‘the orthordox’. BTW what really gets my funny bone going about ‘orthordox’… Read more »

18 years ago

Before we apologize to Rome, they will have to apologize to us for declaring Anglican orders invalid, and void that declaration. I’m not holding my breath.

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