Thinking Anglicans

catching up on ECUSA news

Apologies for the lateness of some of these links.

On Friday, Jonathan Petre filed his last report from Columbus for the Telegraph : Pressure is growing on Williams to take action over schism.

The Church Times published this report of the final events of the Convention.

On Saturday, Stephen Bates interviewed the PB-elect for the Guardian Into the breach and also had an article in the Tablet Ploughing their own furrow.

Meanwhile, the NACDAP published what it calls A Pastoral Letter from the Moderator of the Anglican Communion Network which it seems is to be read in “network churches” today.

For the faithful of his own Pittsburgh diocese, Bishop Duncan offered this pastoral letter.

Bishop Peter Lee of Virginia published a letter to his diocese headlined The Center has Held.

The Living Church provided this very interesting analysis of Resolution B033: An Extraordinary Compromise.

Today’s Sunday Telegraph contain a longer explanation by the Bishop of Rochester (England, not the ECUSA diocese of the same name) of his “two religions” opinion: Truth should be more important than unity

Jim Naughton had a roundup item on daily episcopalian.

And finally Matthew Davies had an ENS report which summarises events: General Convention: Windsor debate results in six resolutions.

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18 years ago

A Draft Provisional Decode / Gloss / Paraphrase of Bishop Nazir-Ali’s commentary on two religions: A) The visual impact of the convention was typically current ECUSA generations mix USA, colorful, vivid & hip – way too MTV/HBO/Comedy Channel for me to take in without getting too flooded with visuals. This seems too worldly to me to be anything like Anglican Orthodoxy. B) Every possible voice for justice/inclusion/diversity seemed to be present. Few justice agitators seemed to be trying to claim their equality, however, mainly by disenfranchising somebody else. That struck me as entirely odd, and as terribly bad form. As… Read more »

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
18 years ago

The Bishop of Rochester [England!] speaks of being present when the House of Bishops passed a resolution in favor of same sex marriage.

How come nobody else noticed this? Believe me, if this is true, I should be dancing in the streets instead of sitting at my computer!

Can anyone clarify what he may be speaking of?

John Henry
John Henry
18 years ago

Reading Jim Naughton’s take on GC2006, I also accessed Fr. Jakes Website. Guess what I found there? Excerpts from letters by two reputable TEC bishops. We all ought to read them: Bishop Wimberly of Texas: “…As for the vote, Bishop Jefferts Schori was consented to by our deputation in the House of Deputies with two non-consenting votes, one lay and one clergy. The House of Bishop’s vote is not public. However, I will say to you that I understand she received votes from supporters and a solid number of more conservative bishops who supposedly hope to move the split of… Read more »

Robert Zacher
Robert Zacher
18 years ago

“…Run for your lives from any unconformed ECUSA or Anglican Communion idea, inquiry, method, person, – especially if they are Queer Folks in couples, and especially if they are parenting their children in ECUSA. Split Now, for God’s sake…”

Oh thanks, just what we needed to hear. You go run. Then take a valium.

Nick Finke
Nick Finke
18 years ago

I believe that +Rochester is talking about Resolution A095, a civil rights provision which says in part: “Resolved, That the 75th General Convention oppose any state or federal constitutional amendment that prohibits same-sex civil marriage or civil unions.” Anyone reading the good bishop’s article can easily understand why he would have no clue as to the actual significance of this resolution. We live, after all, in a democracy where I can support your right to do something without necessarily agreeing with the desirability of anyone’s doing so. Many Roman Catholics in the US have a great deal of experience with… Read more »

New Here
New Here
18 years ago

Cynthia, they passed a resolution opposing an attempt to amend the U.S. Constitution to forbid same-sex marriage or domestic partnership legislation.

That’s a very different thing than endorsing same-sex marriage.

Either Nazir-Ali is ignorant or dishonest. I’ll leave it to those who know him better to judge which, since I know little about him, having never heard of him until he came over to try to intervene in our convention.

18 years ago

John Henry writes: “Bishop VG Robinson, on the other hand, spoke of witnessing to Christ, whose Gospel includes rather than excludes sinners.”

Is this the same “gospel” and the same “Christ” we find in the Bible? I think VGR has made up his own “Christ” who happens to agree with him.

Jesus Christ (of history, of the Bible, of God) certainly let sinners come to him for firgiveness but also said, “Go and sin no more.”

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
18 years ago

Thanks for clarification. After I posted my question I read more about what General Convention actually did and figured out what the Bp of Rochester so evidently misunderstood. I don’t take well to people from overseas who don’t bother to understand the polity of our church nor how our civil society works reading us lectures about how to manage our own church and society. And I guess I’m sorry he found the whole atmosphere not to be suitably gloomy and monochrome. I am reminded of a very old “Beyond the Fringe” routine about a tiny sect of religious nuts who… Read more »

New Here
New Here
18 years ago

Madpriest has a great take on Nazir-Ali and church politics here:

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