Thinking Anglicans

Kunonga: more about that Lambeth statement

Earlier this month, the Sunday Times reported that Lambeth Palace had issued a statement about Bishop Kunonga.

The Church of England Newspaper had a report last week, Call for Zimbabwe Bishop to step down which gives further details:

THE ARCHBISHOP of Canterbury has called upon Zimbabwe’s Bishop Nolbert Kunonga to step down, pressing the Central African church to adjudicate misconduct charges brought against the controversial Bishop of Harare. A statement released on behalf of the Archbishop by Lambeth Palace notes that: “In the context of a prolonged and political crisis, the diocese of Harare faces intolerable strain in the form of the very grave and unresolved accusations against Bishop Kunonga.

“The primary way forward is by dealing with these charges through the church courts in the Anglican Province of Central Africa, but this process has been aborted and the matter is unresolved.” The statement went on: “In other jurisdictions, a priest or bishop facing such serious charges would be suspended without prejudice until the case had been closed. It is therefore very difficult for Bishop Kunonga to be regarded as capable of functioning as a bishop elsewhere in the communion.

“The Archbishop of Canterbury has pressed the authorities of the Province to bring the case to a conclusion in a way consistent with justice, transparency and truth, so that the damage to the health and credibility of the church can be addressed,” the statement read. Members of the Central African House of Bishops were caught unawares by the announcement from Lambeth Palace. Speaking to The Church of England Newspaper at the US General Convention in Columbus, $5 deposit casino Ohio, Bishop Trevor Mwanda of Botswana stated he had not seen the statement and declined to comment, noting that the Kunonga affair was under close scrutiny by the Central African bishops…

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18 years ago

And I suppose this is *yet another* example of lack of backbone in the ABC? Seems that TEC and the ABC agree on at least one liberal principle: the church should not be party to the perpetration of social injustice, as appears to be the case in the Kunonga affair…

Rob Hall
Rob Hall
18 years ago

Good for Archbishop Rowan, as far as he’s gone. It’s a good start, even if slow in coming. But he – and the Anglican Communion – need to go further, beyond public slaps on the wrist. Two issues that are unaddressed are: 1. What other steps will now be taken to help faithful Anglicans in Harare Diocese who are suffering now? Archbishop Rowan admits that Kunonga can’t function as a bishop, so what about alternative Episcopal oversight? As Pauline Makoni wrote in the Church Times in December 2004, “where is justice for Harare?” Her entire article at is well… Read more »

18 years ago

Good to see the ABC going public in criticising people who bring disgrace on the gospel – church leaders should meet the high standards set out in the Bible – this applies to Kunonga just as much as Gene Robinson. Titus 1:7-9 “For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, 8 but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. 9 He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction… Read more »

18 years ago

Good grief. Any day now, ++Canterbury will suddenly discover that ++Akinola’s anti-gay activities present a challenge to the Communion, and the day after that no doubt I’ll be knocked over by a flying pig…

New Here
New Here
18 years ago

>>>The time is long overdue for the Communion to respond to this challenge with the seriousness and urgency it demands.

Sorry, but they’re too busy fretting over what people thousands of miles away might be doing with their naughty parts to get around to this.

18 years ago

Wot I wonder is why are all these good heterosexauls are SO obsessed with gay sex ?!

18 years ago

Good news that the ABofC is finding his voice on such [extreme] cases. Sounds like he is taking a Arch-Archbishop-like role, but as he isn’t a pope he can’t call +Kunonga back to Canterbury (ie enable him to be replaced). But this should should at least but the pressure on CA to find a reasonable resolution.

I guess TEC won’t be the only naughty people told to stand in the corner of the room for while at the next Primate’s Meeting.. well, maybe TEC will be standing in the corridor – waiting to see the headmaster!!

18 years ago

I wonder if the good people of Malawi who suffer under the bad and maybe even wicked thumb of this creep (I nearly wrote bishop) Kunonga would have had a faster audience with His Grace Rowan if they had loud and rich friends who passed him papers and such at meetings and had church lobbyists working for them?

Their delayed treatment and weak at that is one of the oldest stories around.

18 years ago

Hmmm…no comment from Steven here. I guess he’s still not following the story.

New Here
New Here
18 years ago

>>>Hmmm…no comment from Steven here. I guess he’s still not following the story.

Kunonga’s not gay.

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