Thinking Anglicans

Nigeria elects Minns as bishop

Press release from the Church of Nigeria: For Immediate Release: ELECTION OF BISHOPS:

…The Rev Canon Martyn Minns of Truro Parish in Virginia, USA was also elected Bishop in the Church of Nigeria for the missionary initiative of the Church of Nigeria called Convocation of Anglican Churches in North America (CANA)…

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Joe Hauptmann
Joe Hauptmann
18 years ago

I was under the impression that this was against the rules. Any chance of ABC calling a foul, or since TEC is going to lose in the end, is it not worth his addressing?

18 years ago

Oooh La la.. As folk say in Europe!

With a steady stream of ECUSA dioceses requesting alternative primatial oversight (5 is the latest tally I think) and some of the remaining conservative churches deciding to leave ECUSA (but remain Anglican) and now a high profile conservative rector appointed a missionary bishop… I wonder what else will unravel due to GC2006 ?

18 years ago

So much for the attempts to hold things together, even in a fractured way.

Simon Sarmiento
18 years ago

I see I am not the only person perplexed as to what this primatial oversight of an American diocese consists of: Dale Rye has commented on titusonenine He concludes: …What is the nature of the primatial oversight that Fort Worth, Pittsburgh, South Carolina, and San Joaquin are seeking from Canterbury? Are they just rejecting the personal leadership of Bishops Griswold and Jefferts Schori, or the ecclesiastical authority of General Convention and the pastoral oversight of the House of Bishops? If the latter, how is that consistent with continued membership in TEC? Is this an Act of Secession, or merely… Read more »

Joe Hauptmann
Joe Hauptmann
18 years ago

“With a steady stream of ECUSA dioceses requesting alternative primatial oversight (5 is the latest tally I think)” Actually so far it has only been the usual suspects of which there are around 10. When the number gets over 15 I will worry, until then it is just shaking out the dead wood.

18 years ago

Simon, I’m evangelical, so you probably know better than me the catholic need for sacramental “certainty” – that is tied up with heirarchical as well as theological orthodoxy. I guess that is why the traditionalist diocese are appealing to be out from under ECUSA’s direct authority… They need to be part of a constituent part of the Church Catholic – which ECUSA is ceasing to be. In addition they must worry that the rest of the catholic Churches would not recognise them if their church was lead by a woman. As an evangelical neither of the above bother me that… Read more »

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
18 years ago

Well well well. Martyn will finally get to wear all the mitres he has probably bought and mothballed as he has been up for election as bishop and lost time after time in diocese after diocese here. Pathetic.

18 years ago

Two months ago, I heard strong rumors that this precise action was planned for GC 2006 in Columbus. Two difference between the rumors and the fact are that the consecrations took place a week after GC 2006 and not in Nigeria. But can anyone doubt that this action was planned months ago, and that the consecrations and the requests for DEPO would have been made on schedule no matter what actions GC 2006 took?

18 years ago

I don’t think it’s against the “rules”. Sandy Millar was consecrated Bishop in Mission from the Church in Uganda:

thomas bushnell, bsg
18 years ago

i assume this means that Nigeria won’t be eligible for +++Rowan’s new covenanted churches, right? well, except that section 155 of the windsor report was never honestly intended in the first place. silly me.

18 years ago

All this just shows what a sick and sorry instution Anglicanism actually is.

The quicker it all unravels, the better. And can you conservatives take Williams the Spineless with you?

Nadine Kwong
Nadine Kwong
18 years ago

“I don’t think it’s against the “rules”. Sandy Millar was consecrated Bishop in Mission from the Church in Uganda” Sandy Millar’s consecration was done with the advance knowledge, cooperation, permission, and blessing of the Church of England. By contrast, Minns’ consecration will *not* occur with the permission and blessing of TEC, the Anglican province within the geographical territory of which he will be exercising episcopal authority. It’s apples and oranges. Likewise, TEC has long approved of churches of the Church of South India functioning within TEC’s territory. No such approval has been granted to Akinola’s CANA group to function within… Read more »

18 years ago

I don’t see this action as much different from Murphy of the AMIA. Remember him?

This will work out nicely. Williams can refuse to invite both Robinson and Mimms to Lambeth. Thus each side has their own sacrificial lamb. Mad props to Mimms for taking on this outcast bishop role.

18 years ago

Relax! It is the Church of Jesus Christ. He – the Lord of the Church is in the business of shaking, pruning, cleansing, etc. all for His own purpose. Jesus declared – “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vineyard keeper. Every branch in Me that does not produce fruit He removes, and He prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit.” John 15:1-2 (HCSB) Will ECUSA continue to slide into irrelevance and eventually die, or will CANA wax strong and prove very effective in accomplishing God’s purposes for the Church? What… Read more »

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