Thinking Anglicans

more reactions to Rowan Williams' Reflection

Updated Thursday

For earlier items see this list.

Jim Naughton has more thoughts: Am I missing something?.

Commonweal magazine’s blog has Principle of subsidiarity?

Frank Griswold has issued this:

I am greatly encouraged by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s timely call to the provinces of the Anglican Communion to join together in exploring our Anglican identity. I am one with him in his desire to develop a covenant capable of expressing that identity amidst the complexities of the world in which we live. I believe it is possible for us hold up a renewed vision of what it means to be Anglican Christians.

The Archbishop has helpfully raised up in his text the constituent elements of classical Anglicanism, namely the priority of the Bible in matters of doctrine, the Catholic sacramental tradition and a “habit of cultural sensitivity and intellectual flexibility that does not seek to close down unexpected questions too quickly.” This both reminds us of the tradition that has formed us and points us to the future.

The conclusion of this lengthy process is now unknown. Therefore is it misleading that some, in responding to the Archbishop’s lengthy theological reflection, have focused their attention on speculations about a yet-to-be determined outcome. And, as we enter into that process of discernment, we must never forget that God can always surprise us, and that the church is not our possession but is an instrument of God’s reconciling love in the world.

Mark Harris has had further thoughts: Second Look at the Archbishop’s Reflection

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18 years ago

I suppose the thing I’m most dissapointed with is knowing that ++Cantaur has a reputation as a prayerful and thoughtful man, he could not have possibly given much time to prayer or thought, given his almost instant response to what happened in Columbus. He should step out of sight and be silent for months (perhaps a monastery) and think about who he would rather face the Lord with: a group of zealots who favor the destruction of the church, and, oft times, the imprisonment of gay and lesbian people; or the faithful lesbian and gay Christians who only seek to… Read more »

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