Thinking Anglicans

British press coverage Friday

Simon Jenkins in the Guardian expresses an opinion: Dr Williams should abolish bishops and end this missionary creep. He has a point.

The Times has some more letters to the editor.

The Church Times reports: Dr Williams spells out future for Anglicans – ‘Choose between sacrifice and separation’.
Doug LeBlanc reports on events after the General Convention in Left and right show their frustration.
And Giles Fraser mentions the Bishop of Rochester in Why I thank God for political correctness.
Most important, there is editorial opinion: Without generosity there is no future.

On the BBC Today radio programme this morning, Jim Naughtie interviewed Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. Listen here (Real Audio – about 7 minutes).

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18 years ago

Simon Jenkins may have a point (and I like his “friendly outsider” stance), but it’s not a very good or balanced point.

18 years ago

Agreed. For starters, his take on ‘the Lincoln affair’ bears no resemblance to what happened, and he simply perpetuates an oft-asserted myth, perhaps because it can be pressed into his service. Whether the same is true of Ripon…?

Christopher Shell
Christopher Shell
18 years ago

I found Simon Jenkins’s article disappointing. Three of the usual howlers:
(1) How can something as vague, indefinable and generally negative as ‘religion’ (whatever ‘religion’ is) matter? Christ matters – but ‘religion’?
(2) ‘How can a twenty-first century institution…?’ This is an unthinking cliche. More to the point, how can someone in the twentyfirst century (or any other century, but particularly the 21st) believe in universal chronological progress, with all the adverse evidence available to them?
(3) SJ becomes the 694th journalist to mix up ‘evangelism’ [the Christian activity] with ‘evangelicalism’ [the Christian movement / style].

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