Thinking Anglicans

other US reports on ECUSA

Updated Sunday

For Northern Virginia see article below this one.

Reuters Revolt under way within Episcopal church

Associated Press Episcopal Rift Over Gay Bishops Widens

Religion News Service via Beliefnet Daniel Burke Episcopal Schism Heating Up
and, via Charlotte Observer (North Carolina) Fred Leeson ‘A woman for her time

New York Times Laurie Goodstein Episcopalians Shaken by Division in Church

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Steve Levin Fissures remain after Episcopal Church convention
Update Sunday I missed the accompanying editorial opinion: Anglican anguish / The new bishop has her work cut out for her

Lakeland Ledger (Florida) Cary McMullen Toward a Two-Tier Episcopal Church

Oregonian Nancy Haught Episcopalians’ new U.S. head readies herself

Grand Rapids Press (Michigan) Charles Honey Episcopalians struggle over issues of homosexuality

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thomas bushnell, bsg
18 years ago

+++Rowan may have to decide whether it is more important to help the episcopal church maintain unity, by refusing to give “aid and comfort” to the rebels within it, or whether it is more important to preserve a fiction of international anglican unity, by continuing to weaking the majority in the episcopal church.

Jimmy Culp
Jimmy Culp
18 years ago

Really not a comment at this point. My Longview, Texas, Saturday morning newspaper is reporting that Christ Church, Plano, Texas, is leaving the Episcopal Church, but they want to keep the Diocese of Dallas bishop as their bishop. All this stuff gets nuttier each day.

Ray McIntyre
18 years ago

I find this kind of action distasteful in the extreme. They have NO idea what kind of a PB Katharine Jefferts Schori will be but want Alternative oversight, ‘just in case.’

Fr. Ray McIntyre

New Here
New Here
18 years ago

>>>Christ Church, Plano, Texas, is leaving the Episcopal Church, but they want to keep the Diocese of Dallas bishop as their bishop.

That’s so that they can keep their very lavish, expensive building.

Also, of course, affiliating with an African primate could be a real problem for CCP, since their rector is divorced and remarried, a bit of “revisionism” that doesn’t go over very well in the “Global South.”

New Here
New Here
18 years ago

Here’s an interesting article from the Telegraph, reporting that liberal CoE parishes are preparing to turn to the U.S. and Canada for “alternative primatial oversight” if the two tier plan goes through.

18 years ago

I DEMAND Alternative Political Oversight. I simply cannot tolerate that bumbling incompetent in the White House any longer. New Zealand would suit nicely, thank you.

18 years ago

Fr. Ray, the mere fact that she’s female plus that she gave consent to the ordination of +Gene Robinson was enough to condemn her in conservative eyes. It’s a case of “two strikes and you’re out” (no third strike allowed). I wonder if parishes in the CofE who wish oversight from more liberal bishop than their own diocesan would actually be permitted oversight from American bishops? And is there any kind of idea when ++Williams will decide on what to say to the dioceses who have requested his primatial oversight? I wonder why they went to ++Williams instead of to… Read more »

18 years ago

They went to Archbishop Williams because he’s the one who has the Panel of Reference that they think will tell TEC that it has to let them receive APO. I’d be a little surprised if we heard anything from the Panel earlier than a couple months from now, since they will need to talk to everyone involved and discuss it amongst themselves before they can make a report. Didn’t they say something about trying to get word out within 6 months of getting a request in their last statement?


Nick Finke
Nick Finke
18 years ago

The Panel of Reference cannot tell anyone to do anything. TEC is an autonomous church, as is the CofE. The Panel can ask or recommend but they have no jurisdiction to tell anyone to do anything. This is the basic fallacy with “alternative primatial oversight.” The way the rules work at the moment the primate of your autonomous church is the one you have and the one you are stuck with unless you want to move to another church. If you want to remain in TEC you have no choice primate-wise other than the current PB. The bishops/dioceses who are… Read more »

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