Thinking Anglicans

General Synod business: Saturday afternoon

The official report of the afternoon and evening’s business can be found here.

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18 years ago

Draft marriage regulations — any legal bods out there know what “the right to have the marriage solemnized” etc etc is going to amount to in practice? Or, as the pp of a rather nice mediaeval building with a long aisle, picturesque churchyard and excellent organ/organist, do I now have to write off EVERY Saturday from April to October…?

John Richardson
John Richardson
18 years ago

Back in the ‘good old days’, many of us wrote off every Saturday from April to October regardless of where we were or what our buildings were like (well, maybe not quite every Saturday, but certainly most summer Saturdays). My ‘personal best’ was five in a row at a neighbouring urban parish in the Black Country(about 1978 – number four was the toughest). A friend of mine on a housing estate in Harlow a couple of years later used to take his lunchtime sandwiches to church on Saturday morning and eat them during the intervals. Of course, we moaned about… Read more »

18 years ago

I enjoy the community contact and we try and make something of it here. But what community contact will there be when the entire congregation and participants are simply bussed in? Maybe it will be more honest, and we’ll finally know we’re for the most part no more than custodians of nice bits of C12 masonry….?

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