Thinking Anglicans

General Synod business: Tuesday morning

Synod ended its July sessions at 11.20 this morning. As your correspondent leaves the University of York the official report of the morning’s business is not yet available, so for the record here is the motion passed by Synod nem con on a show of hands. The business was entitled “Married Couple’s Tax Allowance”, although the motion was heavily amended to make it more general.

That this Synod, wishing to reaffirm the importance of marriage as central to the stability and health of society and the best context in which to bring up children

(a) reaffirm its own priority of supporting family life (including the work of the Mothers’ Union and FLAME) and encouraging more couples to affirm their commitment and love to each other in marriage; and

(b) call upon Her Majesty’s Government to do the same, in all ways open to it and in particular by removing the considerable financial penalties placed on marriage by the tax and benefit system.

Update The official report of the morning’s business is now available here.

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18 years ago

There are no penalties specifically caused by marriage – cohabitation INCLUDING marriage, yes. I do hope that the Church is not suggesting that cohabiting couples should be discriminated against. And of course, civil partnerships, seen legally as on a par with marriage, will have to be included.

Poor dears – so out of touch with reality.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
18 years ago

What is FLAME?

18 years ago

What is FLAME?

Family Life And Marriage Education – I think.

Christopher Shell
Christopher Shell
18 years ago

Sobering to think that we have a government (of whatever hue) that at times has no interest in research at all, such as research into the (pretty logical) link between non-traditional families, instability and crime.

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