Thinking Anglicans

Network opposition speaks out

Two reports: first from San Diego (not a Network diocese) there is this article on the St Paul’s Cathedral site, by Catherine Thiemann: By Their Fruits Shall You Know Them: An Analysis of AAC and Network Activities.

Second, from South Carolina which is a Network diocese, An Open Letter to Episcopalians in the Diocese of South Carolina from The Episcopal Forum of South Carolina.

There is a related news report here on the South Carolina episcopal election.

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18 years ago

Thanks loads to Bishop Salmon of South Carolina for this lasting advice: (paraphrased) Do not be reactive, because then other people will set your agenda.

At its best, this applies to the Windsor Report and to the Dromantine Communique and the Lambeths and to lots of other things, especially by encouraging us not to read them, exclusively in legal-administrative-punitive frames.

And best wishes to the progressives and allies of South Carolina. Just keep following Jesus of Nazareth, no matter what the rest say about you.

Richard III
Richard III
18 years ago

Since the Bishop of a diocese signs on to abide by the Constitution and Canons of the church how can one of them ‘take’ a diocese and move it to another governing body? I’d think that would constitute abandonment of his or her see at which point the national church could declare it vacant and call for the election of a new bishop. Isn’t this why the “Windsor” / Network bishops haven’t been more bold in telling for TEC to go stuff it?

laurence hoyw roberts
laurence hoyw roberts
18 years ago

‘ Half-truths are particularly useful to this approach because they require of the truth-teller a more detailed and sophisticated response than the attacker wields in the initial assault.’ The Cathereine Thiemann is excellent. I particularly appreciate the above quotation, and think it is an important insight, into what is going on. And how to refute it. I am glad to see someone uncowed, on her own confidant ground. Also to see the word ‘orthordox’ being reclaimed from the ACC and Network. Also the reminder of the origins of the English Church as an entity separate from Rome and its implications… Read more »

John Henry
John Henry
18 years ago

It is time to consider disciplinary measures against Network bishops, especially +Duncan. Catherine Thieman describes a meeting between +Mathes and +Duncan at GC2006 over break-away parishes in San Diego. There ought to be follow-up action on +Duncan’s duplicitous behavior. Either +Duncan accepts TEC’s C&C, which he vowed to uphold at his consecration, or he shall face the consequences for his lack of personal integrity.

Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

Richard III. It has been happening for quite some time in some dioceses. Particularly where the bishops and head office diocese are highly organised and have a mission to create a “unified” diocese. There was an excellent thread on Melbourne Anglican’s forum called “I’m dispirited” – it is a lovely cameo on how a diocese can become “uniform”. Unstated is the “restructuring” to remove financially struggling parishes, “counselling” of ministers who are theologically incorrect, “sidelining” or failing to promote ministers, controlling recruitment and screening so that only suitable ministers can be appointed, allowing some parishes to advertise for ministers and… Read more »

18 years ago

I read the Thiemann’s piece and I can’t figure out what it adds to the debate beyond what is already known by even the most casual observer of the mess that is TEC.

AAC/ACN wants a break from TEC. There is no denying that. The two sides are at irreconcileable differences because they are preaching irreconcileable gospels. Time to start arguing about the legal nits and get on with it.

18 years ago

Yes thanks loads for the Thiemann essay link. It is handy because it gathers information together in one place that has otherwise been more dispersed in time, place, person, and conservative after spin. I also think it gives me a good start on pinning down some of the details of the spin/false witness these realignment movers and shakers so love to indulge to redefine and misrepresent a range of facts, intentions, people, actions, and places. It also gives me a good start on the details of the duplicity in which at least many USA realignment leaders, if not also others,… Read more »

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

I am always mystified by this phrase “irreconcileable gospels”: it makes no sense to me.

*The Gospel* is GOOD NEWS, because it *saves* (and it saves, because *God Loves*).

The AAC/ACN/Akinolist “gospel” excludes, and then CONDEMNS. It doesn’t love, doesn’t save and, therefore, isn’t Good News.

The GOOD NEWS, is that ALL people—whom Jesus gave his life to save—can and WILL be reconciled, in him. 😀

But that exclusionary, so-called “gospel”, can go back to the h*ll it came from! ;-/

18 years ago

We preach Christ crucified. the Wisdom and Power of God.

Difference may not be much in what is preached but rather in what is done. Matt. 7:21-27

The GOSPEL saves because GOD so LOVED, HE GAVE.. John 3:16. Man must however believe and accept 3: 16, 1:12-13.

GOSPEL is power of God to save all who believe. Romans 1: 16

God’s anger on rejection of GOSPEL. Romans 1:18ff, 2: 5-8

Göran Koch-Swahne
18 years ago

Good Spell, Bad Spell.

(… and spells ;=)

H. E.
H. E.
18 years ago

From San Diego: I haven’t followed this closely since I bailed out to become one of the Unchurched about 7 years ago but nothing seems to have changed. The bottom line is that this dispute is about the bottom line: real estate–expensive California real estate. Even so it isn’t clear whether the hassles and the litigation which is sure to follow are cost effective. I fail to see what would be lost, other than real estate, if the diocese just let these guys take their buildings and affiliate with the dioceses of Bolivia, Uganda or Tierra del Fuego as they… Read more »

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
18 years ago

To H.E. with regard to the property of churches and dioceses in TEC: I frequently find myself wanting to have us just “let these guys take their buildings and affiliate with the dioceses of [etc.] as they please”. The reason we have not done so, to date, is not about forcing out congregations in order to sell the buildings. It is because while it seems reasonable in order to end a conflict, it does two things: It short circuits making every possible effort to reconcile and it would be darn difficult to say in court “this is a one-time thing… Read more »

H. E.
H. E.
18 years ago

Wow, Lois, what a Christian thing it would be to do–to let any congregation that wants to leave TEC for any reason now and in the future to keep their stuff. Officially in the US church property is held in trust by the diocese for the national church but as you note it is paid for by members of the congregation and their predecessors. This bs about “everything we have belonging to God” is all very well and all very Franciscan but the fact is that this stuff is financed by members of the parish and their predecessors. If the… Read more »

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
18 years ago

“This bs about “everything we have belonging to God” is all very well and all very Franciscan but the fact is that this stuff is financed by members of the parish and their predecessors.” H.E.

Would that more Christians were like St. Francis. L.K.
Lois Keen

18 years ago

Wow, Lois, what a Christian thing it would be to do–to let any congregation that wants to leave TEC for any reason now and in the future to keep their stuff. Officially in the US church property is held in trust by the diocese for the national church but as you note it is paid for by members of the congregation and their predecessors. Note, the property and improvements have been paid for by the predecessors of the current congregation and in some cases with financial support from the diocese. The property canons are there to protect the church. Each… Read more »

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