Thinking Anglicans

Abp of York may attend Primates Meeting

Two reports, both by George Conger, have appeared:

Living Church Archbishop of York to Represent England at Primates’ Meeting

The five-member committee recommended to Archbishop Rowan Williams last spring that Archbishop Sentamu represent the interests of the Church of England at the annual gathering of the 38 archbishops, presiding bishops and moderators of the Anglican Communion. The rationale is that Archbishop Williams would then be freed to exercise a presidential role within the meetings, the committee said…

…The next scheduled meeting is Feb. 14-19, 2007, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Church of England Newspaper Primates role for York?

…The proposal was made by the members of the five members of the Primates’ Standing Committee earlier this year to the Archbishop of Canterbury. However, the final decision to add Dr Sentamu to the primates’ ranks lies with Dr Williams. A spokesman for the Anglican Consultative Council confirmed the proposal was under active consideration stating: “”There have been suggestions that would include the Archbishop of York, but as of August 24, the invitations, to my knowledge, have not gone out.”

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Richard III
Richard III
17 years ago

A move to make the ABC appear as an Anglican Pope? I wonder, will an Anglican Communion College of Cardinals be the next step in creating our own magisterium?

laurence hoyw roberts
laurence hoyw roberts
17 years ago

‘ submission to the sovereign authority of Holy Scripture ‘ This exprssion is itself beyond the limits of Anglican diversity, in my opinion. And such an expression is not to be found in the BCP or in Anglican use until very recently. The Primates Meetings themselves have no authority and are beyond the limits of Anglican diversity. Why am i not surprised that the seeds of all this were sown during George Carey’s time ? Let the primates get on with being useful ministers. Thank goodness the BCP is in force and indeed, is the norm in the C of… Read more »

laurence hoyw roberts
laurence hoyw roberts
17 years ago

I will embrace such a college –when the Primates adopt personal celibacy.
These new evangelicals aren’t very protestant, are they ?
What price the Reformation ?

Nick Finke
Nick Finke
17 years ago

Why do we need a College of Cardinals? We already have the Primates.

Richard III
Richard III
17 years ago

We don’t need a College of Cardinals or a magisterium, we just need to treat each other as intelligent adults, make an honest effort at working out our differences, and agree to disagree when we can’t. The mentality of looking at life as either all black or all white and nothing in between is just plain stupid.

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