Thinking Anglicans

Private Members' Motions

Individual members of General Synod can put down private members’ motions. They are available for signature by members and the most popular are actually debated, typically one or sometimes two at each meeting of Synod. From today the motions are available on the Church of England website.

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laurence roberts
laurence roberts
18 years ago

The first 2 motions would cancel each other out wouldn’t they? The first would greatly benefit the lesbian and gay members of the Church and their families, friends and colleagues. It would go some way to improving the image of the CofE with the rest of us. The second (CP) is unpleasant and snide. (Also hilarious, coming from Southwark diocese — where so many clergy are gay , and always have been. One of the C of E’s gay bishops was even exported from Southwark ). I wonder if the minister who proposes it intrudes into, and interferes in the… Read more »

18 years ago

I also note that civil partnerships – a sign of committed gay relationship – has been highlighted, and the resoplution appears to be saying that people known to be in a civil partnership in the laity should be restricted from the Eucharist.

Of course, those shagging about like rabbits, hetero or homo, would be fine, then. Its only those willing to make a public commitment who would be in the firing line.

laurence roberts
laurence roberts
18 years ago

Yes, Mike the C of E officially prefers one night stands to living together, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death us do part. No-one can hide an on-going relationship — whereas a quick shag….. How well I remember when a lay member of the South London Industrial Mission (SLIM) Council realized I had a dark secret, when he found out that my partner’s 99 year old bed-ridden grannie, lived with us. He proceeded to try to get the 3 of us turfed out onto the street. BTW Motion 2 on CP… Read more »

18 years ago

Well of course if queers are actually not people like you and me and the other person over there, you can actually treat them any way you like, short of the most orthodox historic examples of brutal religious violence displayed in a public square. For some reason which new conserve believers never bother to adequately explain, despite the clear literal meanings of the Leviticus commandment about the death penalty, that sort of brutality in public has gone out of fashion, even with people who are dead set against all the queer stuff. It is not so much that I value… Read more »

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