Thinking Anglicans

lots more ECUSA-related news and comment

Reports are appearing thick and fast today.

San Joaquin: Bishop of San Joaquin Cleared of Abandonment Charges is in the Living Church and the diocesan press release is here.
Update: much more detail from ENS in San Joaquin bishop’s actions do not constitute abandonment of communion, review committee says.

And again the Living Church reports from Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Standing Committee Rejects Bishop’s Choice of Chancellor and the Standing Committee website is here.

Meanwhile back at Camp Allen/Kigali, ENS has further reports:
Presiding Bishop reflects on Camp Allen, Kigali statements and a Statement from Bonnie Anderson, president of the House of Deputies.

In More objections voiced to Kigali communiqué, we learn from ENS of

…a September 28 statement from the Episcopal Church in the Philippines (ECP) which clarified that its Prime Bishop, the Most Rev. Ignacio C. Soliba, “did not attend the meeting and was not a signatory to the so-called Kigali Communiqué.”

…The Philippine statement also offered greetings on behalf of the province to Presiding Bishop-elect Katharine Jefferts Schori and welcomed her election. “The Episcopal Church in the Philippines will extend an invitation for her to visit the Philippines in early 2008 for the renewal of our historical ties and covenant relationship,” the statement said.

and the history of earlier Global South reports is reviewed.

Reuters has issued Episcopal Church head says split would cause chaos

Another Living Church report covers earlier Kigali news: Global South Primates Trade Accusations of Bad Faith and earlier there was Alaska Bishop Reflects on Camp Allen Meeting.
Update The Living Church report of the Griswold comments: Presiding Bishop Critical of Camp Allen, Kigali Meetings.

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18 years ago

“the Most Rev. Ignacio C. Soliba, “did not attend the meeting and was not a signatory to the so-called Kigali Communiqué.”

(sings)”Ten green bottles, hanging on the wall, and if one green bottle should accidentally fall there’d be nine……..”
(traditional English playground song)

Christopher Calderhead
Christopher Calderhead
18 years ago

I know Schadenfreud is a sin. But watching this second GS communiqué unravel is kind of a pleasure.

Shall we all pitch in and buy these guys a copy of Roberts’ Rules of Order?

Prior Aelred
18 years ago

I was wondering about the Philippines — I’m pretty sure that it was the Primate’s wife that I met at General Convention & I can assure you that she would not have signed the Kigali Communiqué.

laurence roberts
laurence roberts
18 years ago

Tes, let’s buy it for them !

Marshall Scott
18 years ago

I am struck by statements from Bishop MacDonald of Alaska. He states, “the Windsor Report represents the only opportunity for a constructive debate over the human sexuality issues that the November 2003 consecration raised.”; and “Part of the trouble is that the Windsor Report has been read as a complete repudiation of The Episcopal Church. We are being asked to participate in a conversation about what has happened. The Windsor Report represents the parameters under which that discussion can take place.” Clearly, the Kigali statement sees Windsor as an opportunity to repudiate the Episcopal Church. On the other hand, before… Read more »

John Henry
John Henry
18 years ago

Tip of the hat to Bonnie Andreson, President of the House of Deputies of TEC’s General Convention, who wrote in her response to PB Griswold’s letter to the bishops: “I note with sadness that the Kigali communiqué does not extend the courtesy of referring to Bishop Jefferts Schori as a bishop, where everyone else is referred to with titles. It adds a low note that is not worthy of the faith espoused in the document.” Too bad the primates and metropolitans of the Global South are being influenced by the Network bishops, such as ‘spikey’ Iker, Ackerman and Schofield, who… Read more »

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
18 years ago

I was glad to see Bonnie Anderson calling them out for their discourtesy in not using the PB-elect’s title. It is insulting and juvenile. Glad to hear more spine from the current PB. If nothing else, the two meetings have shown the real faces of those involved. It would seem that the ‘can’t we just agree to disagree?’ folks now can see how useless that is. I hope the statements from Anderson and Griswald will buck up the troops.

Göran Koch-Swahne
18 years ago


Funny you haven’t got your own word for it…

The French say Putsch, the English Coup – wonder what the Germans say ;=)

Alan Marsh
Alan Marsh
18 years ago

Odd – I always thought “coup” was French for something else…

Colin Coward
18 years ago

The lengthy ENS article by Matthew Davies reminds us that every time the Global South group meet, there has been disagreement about the communique and other problems, like the letter to +Rowan. I might take a guess that Cape Town and the Philippines aren’t the only churches notionally present at the meeting in Kigali who objected to the communique. Others may object but are too initmidated by Akinola to voice their dissent in the same way. Their aggressive tactics feel frightening and intimidating to me, sometimes, and they are becoming more and more offensive. That may be a sign of… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
18 years ago

I shan’t pronounce on the San Joaquín case for legal systems are much too different from one place to an other, but it seems to me that this was one of those cases when the process can be trusted.

Calm and dignified statements from Presiding Bishops Griswold and President Bonne Anderson.

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
18 years ago

Re Christopher Calderhead’s post, “Schadenfreud” means “Pleasure derived from the misfortune of others”

Lois Keen

Jim Pratt
Jim Pratt
18 years ago

It seems that Mark MacDonald is one of the few bishops who actually understands the Windsor Report as a call to dialogue and listening. Unfortunately, unless those on the other side of the fence from him, such as the authors of the Kigali communique, come to the same understanding, I don’t hold much hope.

Göran Koch-Swahne
18 years ago

Lois Keen,

I was pointing out that you use a foreign word for something unsavoury.

What do the Germans say? something Italian ;=)

Ren Aguila
Ren Aguila
18 years ago

I am also assured that the Prime Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the Philippines would not sign the statement, as I have met him on several occasions myself. I am from the Philippines, where the ECP is said to have less than 5% of the whole 85M population, and whose numbers may be dwindling due to defections to increasingly popular (and I fear powerful) Evangelical churches. Before one can rejoice at this development, two things must be noted: 1. The ECP was founded by, and to a large extent, financially dependent upon the Episcopal Church. It will remain so… Read more »

Ren Aguila
Ren Aguila
18 years ago

Correction: I said that the funding from ECUSA would end in 2011. I believe that it would be until next year, 2007. Then again, the ECP has difficulties…

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
18 years ago

Sorry, Goran. I should have known better. Lois Keen

David Rowett (= mynsterpreost)
David Rowett (= mynsterpreost)
18 years ago

“The wealthiest, self-supporting parishes are all evangelical, low-church in orientation.”

Funny, that’s often the case in UK. I think in marketing terms it’s called ‘pulling out of unprofitable areas’.

Sorry to be cynical, but could it just be that the seriously well off have too much to lose by joining JPIC type churches?

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
18 years ago

Re Bp. Schofield’s aquital, The Episcopal News Service has posted this evening, Monday, 2 October, a report that the December convention of the Diocese of San Joaquin will be asked to consider resolutions that will position San Joaquin to be transferred from TEC to a jurisdiction to be determined by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the primates of the Anglican Communion. If passed, will this constitute “abandonment of communion” yet?

Lois Keen

David Rowett (=mynsterpreost)
David Rowett (=mynsterpreost)
18 years ago

…resolutions that will position San Joaquin to be transferred from TEC to a jurisdiction to be determined by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the primates of the Anglican Communion.

Umm, does the receiving province get a long spoon?

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