Thinking Anglicans

opinion collection

In The Times Geoffrey Rowell writes this week’s “Credo” column about Egyptian desert monasticism: Amid the discipline and spirituality of the desert a saint was discovered.

Christopher Howse in his regular Saturday Telegraph column says that Prayer is what anyone can do.

The Guardian’s Face to Faith column is written by Trevor Dennis, and is about The Song of Songs.

Elsewhere, Theo Hobson wrote Anglicans, reform yourselves at commentisfree.

Christina Rees wrote about Women as Bishops for New Directions. See Unfolding Adventure.

And the Yorkshire Post interviewed Simon Lindley about hymns in Church music master hopes for chorus of approval.

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laurence roberts
laurence roberts
18 years ago

Theo Hobson makes his point simply and clearly. What a relief to read something on Anglicanism which is readily explicable ! Honesty is the key. Sizable numbers of us have been crying out for honesty and integrity from the C of E for a long time. Dennis Nadin started about 30 years ago –remember REACH ? The double talk of Issues and of the Windsor Report beggar belief. When Eames introduced the WR on national TV., saying ‘the Church must not be homophobic’, it was clear to us all how anti-gay the Windsor Report and it s basic assumptions really… Read more »

Simon Dawson
Simon Dawson
18 years ago

Ref. the Guardian’s “Face to Face” column listed above.

You must have read a different column to me Simon. Whilst the Song of Songs was mentioned in passing, the column seemed more to be praising the examples of same sex love mentioned in Hebrew scriptures.

An obvious clue to that subject is the column’s heading, and I quote, “Lesbians and Gays are the Bible’s greatest lovers, says Trevor Dennis.”.


laurence roberts
laurence roberts
18 years ago

Thanks Simon Dawson- in that case- I’m on to it !

J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

Hobson says what I (Yank lifelong-Episcopalian) have long thought: establishment, in the 21st century, is a *criminally-negligent* anachronism.

Time to cut the cord! (and I say that, even knowing that if the conservative evs are correct about their superior/growing numbers, they may soon dominate the CofE in a way they could not, if the Church remained established. A risk we’ll have to live with :-/).

laurence roberts
laurence roberts
18 years ago

Yes, thanks you.

The Face to Faith piece is wonderful Moving, scholarly and so true to scripture. I feel I have been give back the Bible and my soul.

The vice dean of chester has us all in his debt. I am glad that this kind of radical, scriptural witness is still possible in these paranoid times.

Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

A nice selection. I cringe at humans need to bring sexuality into relationships, we often seem incapable of imagining a profound love without stirring in the element of eros. Sigh. I agree with the points about consistency in liberal states. Isaiah 49 provides a model that justifies this perspective. At one level the passage is about two souls (Daughter of Zion and Jacob). Who are bound to each other but independent of each other and are thus capable of redeeming and protecting each other. Applying the fractal model, it is healthy to have inter-dependent parties (churches and state) who are… Read more »

simon dawson
18 years ago


I would reverse your statement. Sadly many Christians often seem incapable of imagining a profound love which includes the element of eros. Sigh.


Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
18 years ago


It is probably an “and”. Sadly, some humans are incapable of love unless there is something in it for them (e.g. sexual gratification). Sadly, other humans fear being fully alive and are thus incapable of profound love, especially where it involves eros. Both extremes have their difficulties and neither extreme is healthy.

laurence roberts
laurence roberts
18 years ago

The Lindley / hymns piece is too small print for me-but proably unavoidable.

Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
18 years ago


You could email me the Lindley / hymns piece – (use the hyperlink)? I am unfamiliar with it.

18 years ago

Cheryl hi

It is in fact a piece listed above by simon Lindley in the Yorkshire Post, – the last of the pieces with live links,under today;s date (But the print ostoo small for me to make out).

Hope that helps.

18 years ago

Cheryl it is listed HERE with a link,(above) under Saturday 14th October SIMON LINDLEY immediately under Christina Rees’ aticle above,’ Unfolding Adventure’. Hope you find it okay.

best wishes Laurence

Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

Blush, Off to read it, it obviously didn’t inspire me the first time. Blush again.

18 years ago

‘S okay Cheryl !

Revd Dennis Nadin
Revd Dennis Nadin
18 years ago

Late comment but have just seen this. Glad to see someone – Laurie Roberts – remembers that it is over 30 years since the church failed to respond to REACH. The Church continues to treat the gay issue politically rather than theologically. Recent fudge has been about stopping the US church etc from doing what it believes right – so much for truth. It has yet to call the bluff of those who claim to rely on an infallible book rather than a living Lord. It is not simply gays who are being rejected but rather the God revealed to… Read more »

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