Thinking Anglicans

Women Bishops in England

Updated to include Ruth Gledhill’s blog entry

Reports today of both those in favour and those against.

George Pitcher in The Telegraph Church of England faces split over women bishops
This is actually a report of a news conference held by supporters of the ordination of women as bishops as this pargraph shows.

Leading figures supporting the women’s campaign from politics and the Church gathered at Westminster Abbey to warn legislators that the time has come to consecrate women as bishops, with no formal provision in law for traditionalists who object to the move on grounds of conscience.

Ruth Gledhill in The Times Church of England clergy plan mass exit over women bishops
She writes about those who against.

More than 1,300 clergy, including 11 serving bishops, have written to the archbishops of Canterbury and York to say that they will defect from the Church of England if women are consecrated bishops.

Ruth Gledhill in her blog at The Times Trads threaten walk-out over women
This includes this link to the open letter to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York threatening to leave the Church if women are consecrated bishops with no legal provisions for opponents. The letter contains the names of all 1300 signatories.

And a brief report from the BBC
Quit threats over women bishops


GAFCON: the Tuesday after

More reports on responses to the GAFCON final statement and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s response to it

Riazat Buttt in The Guardian Church of England: Archbishop confronts Anglican rebels

George Pitcher in the Telegraph Archbishop of Canterbury warns Gafcon over new church structures

George Pitcher and Graham Tibbetts in the Telegraph Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams warns rebels over Church of England split

Two articles at Episcopal Life Online
Archbishop of Canterbury calls conservative Anglicans’ proposals ‘problematic’
Presiding Bishop responds to GAFCON statement

Reflections on GAFCON by Tom Wright, the Bishop of Durham