Thinking Anglicans

London CNC dates

Updated Tuesday

The dates when the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) will meet to choose the next Bishop of London have been published. They are

CNC 1 – 27 September 2017
CNC 2 – 7 November 2017
CNC 3 – 29 November 2017.

The current central members of the CNC were elected in 2012 for a five year term of office which expires on 31 August 2017. It will therefore be their successors (to be elected by General Synod next year) who, with the archbishops and diocesan members, will choose the new bishop.

As Bishop Chartres retires on 28 February 2017, the diocese of London can expect to be without a diocesan bishop for at least a year.


The CNC dates for Sodor and Man have been added to the website today; they are 7 February 2017 and 8 March 2017.


Southern Africa province rejects blessing of same-sex unions

Here is the official provincial press release:

Anglican Church of Southern Africa rejects blessing of same-sex civil unions in South Africa

The Anglican Church of Southern Africa voted on Friday to reject a proposal to allow ‘prayers of blessing’  to be offered for people in same-sex civil unions under South African law.

The vote was taken by the church’s Provincial Synod, its top legislative body, on a proposal by the Diocese of Saldanha Bay, which stretches from the northern suburbs of Cape Town to the Namibian border.

The initial motion before the Synod also proposed that bishops could provide for clergy who identify as LGBTI and are in legal same-sex civil unions to be licensed to minister in parishes. But the proposers withdrew this section before debate began.

Opposition to the proposal was strongest among bishops, with 16 voting against and six in favour. Sixty-two percent of lay representatives to the synod voted against it (41 votes to 25), and 55 percent of clergy (42 to 34).

The church includes Anglicans in Angola, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and on the island of St Helena. Same-sex marriage is allowed only under South African civil law.

Before announcing the result, Archbishop Thabo spoke of the ‘palpable pain’ in the church over the vote:

‘I wish I was in Makgoba’s Kloof (his ancestral home) because if one (of you) is pained and hurt, it pains me too and I have learned as a priest that there are no losers or winners in the kingdom of God.

The pain on both sides is palpable and tangible, and the image of a double-edged sword pierces me…’

He added that ‘all is not lost.’ He said the issue might hopefully be taken up again at the next Provincial Synod in 2019, and the church could also consider raising it at the next worldwide meeting of Anglican bishops in 2020. (The meeting, the Lambeth Conference, is opposed to marriage between people of the same gender.)

He also said the issue could be discussed at the local level in parishes and dioceses ‘so that we can continue to discern together the mind of God…’

After announcing the vote, he called for silence ‘as we bring before God the pain that this outcome will cause to some members of this synod, some members of our parishes, some members of our church.’

The Archbishop has also released this statement:



Opinion – 1 October 2016

Andrew Lightbown One Church’s mission but many opportunities
[Church Times subscribers can read the article here.]

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