Thinking Anglicans

Safeguarding: Waiting for Jay

It appears that the  Jay report on the future of Church of England safeguarding, which was originally due to be published by 31 December, is delayed. An explanation for this is awaited.

Meanwhile, Surviving Church has published How Professor Jay may help save the Church of England from itself.

The Wilkinson report on ISB phase 1 was published on 11 December: ISB phase 1: Wilkinson report published. One month later, there is as yet no further response from the Archbishops’ Council.

There has however been an article about the Wilkinson report published by the National Secular Society, Review: CofE leaders mainly to blame for sacking safeguarding body.

Also, we linked earlier to Surviving Church:  After Wilkinson. Towards a Trauma-Informed Church but it attracted only a few comments.

Now, there is a new paper by David Glasgow published at House of Survivors: Psychological Report: ISB cohort welfare and mental health.


Opinion – 10 January 2024

Helen King sharedconversations Keeping the church together?

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love God according to Harry Williams

David Goodhew The Living Church After COVID: The Deepening Decline of the Church of England


Church Pastoral Aid Society announces its sexuality policy

The Church Pastoral Aid Society is an evangelical mission agency which amongst other things is a major provider of training courses and a significant holder of patronage within the Church of England.. See these Wikipedia pages for more background on the CPAS and on Patronage in the Church of England.

In relation to the recently commended Prayers of Love and Faith, CPAS has issued the following:

The CPAS trustees are listed here.

The second of these two documents is attracting considerable criticism. For example

MOSAIC Cof E has posted on X:

Inclusive Parishes with CPAS as their patrons may not be aware of this change in their position on sexuality.  Parishes may want to ask CPAS why this change was made without them being consulted or informed and how this will affect future appointments

The document in full:

CPAS trustees have endorsed the Evangelical Alliance’s affirmations on human sexuality.

We are conscious that different evangelicals might apply some of these points in different ways, but we believe that, taken together, they reflect an authentic, mainstream evangelical response to human sexuality in general and sexually active same-sex partnerships in particular:



Opinion – 6 January 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love CEEC plot to impose an abusive, prejudiced, discriminatory, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic culture on the Church of England

Andrew Goddard Psephizo Have evangelicals made secret plans to split the Church?

Claire Brader House of Lords Library Lords spiritual in the House of Lords explained

Polly Smythe New York Times It’s Christmas, and England’s Priests Have Had Enough
[This is behind a paywall, but if you create a free account you may be able read it.]
Andrew Brown comments on this article in the Church Times: Press: New York Times probes unionisation of Anglican clergy


The role of the Secretary General

There has been recent discussion about the respective responsibilities of General Synod on the one hand, and Archbishops’ Council on the other. The Secretary General, General Synod and Archbishops’ Council clearly plays a key role in this. A document from 2015, when the most recent appointment to this post was made, has recently surfaced. This was used in the recruitment process that year and does not reflect any changes in the role since that time.

Secretary General job description

To give a little context, here are two press releases from around the same time:


Opinion – 3 January 2024

Colin Coward Unadulterated Love Changing attitudes towards life in all its fullness

Andrew Graystone ViaMedia.News When Good Reviews Go Bad