Gilo ViaMedia.News The Church is What We Do Next
Colin Coward Unadulterated Love God talk – the Church of England in crisis
30 CommentsThe Ecclesiastical Committee is a statutory joint committee of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, created by the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919. Its role to review Church of England measures submitted to Parliament by the Legislative Committee of the General Synod, and to advise on whether or not they should be approved by Parliament. The committee has 30 members. The Lord Speaker appoints 15 members from the House of Lords, and the Speaker of the House of Commons appoints 15 MPs. Members are appointed to serve for the duration of a parliament.
The names of the members for the current parliament have recently been added to the UK Parliament website, although there is one vacancy for a member of the House of Lords. The members are listed below the fold.
The chair of the committee is Baroness Butler-Sloss. (more…)
23 CommentsThe November 2024 issue of the Journal of Anglican Studies is now available online. It contains nine items related to abuse and the failures of safeguarding within the church. Each article is available as a separate PDF file. Most, though not all, of the articles deal specifically with the Church of England. The “Afterword” contains a comprehensive critique of the current English situation.
Editorial by Martyn Percy and Rosie Harper
Rt Revd Dr Alan Thomas Lawrence Wilson
This edition of the Journal is dedicated to Alan Wilson. A separate article discusses his experience of the extent of abuse within the church and his commitment to reforming the institution’s response. This passion was developed in the context of a far broader array of interests and expertise.
Alan’s heart was drawn to matters of justice and equality beyond the everyday work of an Area Bishop, which he did with a substantial pastoral heart and exacting attention to detail. He saw it as an imperative of both his faith and shared humanity. His spirituality was adventurous and exploratory, with roots in the Benedictine tradition. This led him to value simplicity and humility. It also meant that belief became real when it was embodied. Sitting on the sidelines was not for him..
Mark Williams and Hans Zollner
Glimpses of Hope: Reflections on Journeying with Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse
Gerald West
Tamar Summons the Church to Account: Resisting Patriarchal (and Ecclesial) Impunity in 2 Samuel 13:21
Martyn Percy
Speaking Truth to Power Structures: Integrity and Identity in Ecclesiology
Josephine Anne Stein
‘There Isn’t One!’ Church of England Safeguarding Policy
Fergus J. King, Alexandra Banks, Alfred Sebahene, Nant Hnin Hnin Aye, Maimbo W.F. Mndolwa, Albert Chama
Towards a Safe Church: More Than a Lambeth Call
Clive Stephen Billenness, Rosie Harper, Martin Sewell
The Post Office at Prayer? Auditing Risk and Practice: A Safeguarding Appraisal
Editorial by Martyn Percy
Afterword: Safeguarding – The Future of Risk and Responsibility
We reported on 10 December that Rochester has no confidence in the Archbishops’ Council.
This provoked the Council to respond on 20 December, see Archbishops’ Council responds to Rochester Diocesan Synod’s motion of no confidence and the full text of the letter signed by the Secretary General, William Nye is available here.
Rochester diocese has now replied to that letter. See:
Rupert Shortt UnHerd How Justin Welby hollowed out the Church
Bosco Peters Liturgy Preaching 101
68 CommentsUpdate (3 February): A notice paper (NP4) issued on 3 February 2025 states that sufficient members asked for GS2372 to be debated. This debate will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday 12 February. Insufficient members asked for GS2373 to be debated. This is therefore approved and will come into effect 1 March 2025.
Two revised Church of England safeguarding codes of practice have been made available this week.
They are both on the agenda for next month’s meeting of the General Synod as deemed business. This means that each will be deemed to be approved unless 25 members give notice in advance that they wish the code to be debated.
In addition to the codes themselves, the papers explain why the codes are required, what has changed, and give details of the consultation process.
If approved, these Codes will go live on the 1 September 2025 (Managing Allegations) and 1 March 2025 (Religious Communities).
53 CommentsYazid Said William Temple Foundation Church and State in a post-Welby era
Phil Groves ViaMedia.News The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Communion
Martyn Percy Meander Succession? What to Expect After Archbishop Welby
60 CommentsConsequent upon the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury which took effect yesterday, the Archbishop of York has issued this letter to Clergy and Lay Ministers, which is also available as a PDF here.
81 CommentsThe Right Revd Dr Alan Smith, Bishop of St Albans, has announced his intention to retire on 31 May 2025. The official announcement is here on the diocesan website.
20 Comments‘Graham’ ViaMedia.News Justice and Moving On
Martyn Percy ViaMedia.News Halcyon Daze? Nostalgia in the Memory of the Church
Abigail Frymann Rouch Commonweal Why Welby Had to Go