Thinking Anglicans

Reactions to Mark Lawrence

Several people have analysed what Mark Lawrence wrote to standing committees and bishops in connection with their forthcoming decisions on whether or not to consent to his election as bishop of South Carolina:

Mark Harris has written twice: first here, and then here. Tobias Haller wrote about this also, here. And also Andrew Gerns is here.

Addition Monday 11 Dec
I apologise for inadvertently omitting this Living Church report of 6 December: Bishop-elect Lawrence Sees Election Resistance in Broader Context which contains his own comments on the approval process.

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18 years ago

Many, many, many thanks to Harris, Haller, Gerns and others for clearing up a typical new conservative definitional confusion: The Anglican Communion arises now – and once arose in a previous historical era – as a dependent creature of its provincial constituent members, including of course TEC. Thus the worldwide communion depends on all of its provinces where witness/worship/service stands in varied cultural realities, and not the other way round. It is entirely possible to hear the new conserved lament that this is the fact, without agreeing with the presuppositional thrust that wishes away the facts and replaces them with… Read more »

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