Thinking Anglicans

American reports (1)

Updated again 7 January

First, not Virginia, but Pittsburgh.

From the diocesan website: Calvary Church Reopens Lawsuit Against Diocese.

From the Calvary Church website: CALVARY FILES PETITION IN COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. The Court website for documents is here.

The actual petition text will be found there, but as it is a 21 Mb PDF file, you may not want to download it. The paper original is 315 pages long.

UPDATE a somewhat smaller version of the PDF file is now available from here (6.5 Mbytes).

The matter is discussed more briefly by Jim Naughton here.

This further 28 page filing by Calvary is only 1.4 Mbytes (PDF) so much easier to read, and contains a lot of the interesting information.

Update There is also an ENS report on this, PITTSBURGH: Parish asks court to protect diocesan property.

Update The January issue of Agape is now online as a PDF and contains an article by the rector, Harold Lewis, about why further legal action is now being taken by the parish.

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Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
18 years ago

Good for Calvary, its people, its rector. It’s about time someone called these network types out.
We are seeing what appeasement brings here in Virginia. If you give these people an inch, they will take a mile, and whine about their tender conciences it while they do, and while they ally themselves with the unsspeakable ++Akinola.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
18 years ago

Amusing that Duncan would be so pained over Calvary’s going to court to keep property in the Church to which it was given, or rather which holds it in the name of the God to Whom it was given. I trust he will be like minded when the schismatics in virginia try to take “their” property from TEC. And as to people forcing on others their views of what it means to be Episcopal, I seem to hear a pot talking to what it thinks is a kettle.

John Henry
John Henry
18 years ago

The Network bishops deserve an A+ for posturing and whining. It is high time for canonical action to replace them with bishops who take seriously their vows to uphold the C&C of the Episcopal Church. If they were honorable men, who believe that TEC has departed from the faith of the Church, they would resign for conscience sake and leave quietly rather than create disunion and work havoc in the denomination that pays them their salaries, pensions and benefits, and provides them with other perks of the episcopal office. If they were corporate executives, their shareholders would rightly give them… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
18 years ago

In an Episcopal church the Bishop is the Epískopos; the Overseer, whose responsibility it is to (actively) see to that things are well and in order. If the Bishop doesn’t a c t i v e l y do this, he/se is an unfaithful Overseer, an epískopos moixós (moixeía is the word of the 7th Commandment, meaning disloyal – not modern “adulter)”. Or perhaps better: epískopos moixalídos, the late form found in 2nd century 2 Peter 2:14, since Bishops are 2nd century too ;=) Just as a Judge who distorts the law is an unfaithful Judge, a kritäs moixós (no… Read more »

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