Thinking Anglicans

Bishop Katharine in North Carolina

Episcopal News Service reports Presiding Bishop brings message of ‘Shalom’ to Episcopal Urban Caucus conference.

The Episcopal Urban Caucus website is here.

This was also reported in the Raleigh, North Carolina newspaper the News & Observer, which headlined the story Episcopal leader backs gay equality.

The paper also posted (as a PDF) the full text of her sermon at the Chapel of the Cross where she honoured the 30th anniversary of the first black woman ordained in the Episcopal Church USA.

There is a TV interview with Bishop Katharine linked from here. It is preceded by an interview with Lord Carey. The first interview is about 12.5 minutes. The second one is about 8 minutes.

Also, Bishop Katharine’s latest contribution to Episcopal Life is reproduced here: Three mission questions.

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matthew hunt
matthew hunt
18 years ago

Watching George Carey go on about how muslims are having difficulty coming to terms with the modern world was a bit of a laugh.

I do get the impression, watching ++Schori, that she is a human being who is being slowly fed through the mincer, with tortured dignity. Prayers for her.

Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

I loved reading Schori’s contribution to Episcopal Life. Pragmatic, pratical, do-able. Wonderful.

18 years ago

The dream of freedom has not yet been realised, in any community in this land of across the globe. As long as any of us is restrained by custom, law, prejudice or bigotry, we all remain in chains. Our labours in this church continue to sing of hope for the full fourishing of all God’s children, black, white, Native, Asian, women, men, gay and straight, differently abled and full and able-bodied. We still yearn for the realisation of Paul’s ancient creed, “in Christ there is neither slave nor free, Jew nor Greek, male and female.” In Christ we are all… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
18 years ago

Speaking of cultural differences I was a bit put off to see Lord Carey sitting in his chapel like an Idol in a Shrine. No bishop would permit that sort of thing here, I can tell you. Never in a church, unless it is about that church.

Göran Koch-Swahne
18 years ago

The interviewer was incredibly ignorant and non prepared. No follow-ups.

This degree of incompetence would never be tolerated in the pink pages or sports sections.

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