Thinking Anglicans

GS: Tuesday press reports

Church Times Synod report: Monday
Ekklesia C of E strengthens opposition to Trident

Reuters Anglicans appear “obsessed with sex”
Telegraph Williams: Church appears ‘obsessed with sex’
Guardian Public view us as sex obsessed, archbishop tells Anglican synod
The Times People think we are sex-obsessed, says Archbishop
Somerset County Gazette Bishop slams Government’s Trident renewal plans

Three reports from Monday:
BBC Church seeks unity on gay rights
Telegraph Anglicans to review stance on gay clergy
Yorkshire Post Michael Brown: A tale of two archbishops as a Church is torn apart

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18 years ago

Re obsession with sex. What did the Catholic church do over humanae vitae and describing homosexual acts as intinsically disordered, and under no circumstances to be approved? Wisely the bishops knew the church said one thing but people believed and did another. The primary duty to follow (informed) conscience was deemed to have the upper hand. Cardinal Hume managed to diffuse what might have been a very difficult reception of the Catechism by highlighting many beautiful things in it, and reminding people of the requirements of conscience. Is there some mileage in this kind of approach re the gay debate?… Read more »

Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

The issue about caring for siblings (e.g. a disabled sibling who has been cared for by life by a health sibling) has come up before on this forum. At the time, the point was made that if they hadn’t been so busy trying to hamper gay civil unions, they would have looked at these familial structure needs. Now, as then, the issue has been that in grinding their axe against one “unpalatable” group, they have impaired another group with which they have no “legitimate” grievance. The moral of this story is that if you don’t have a moral underpinning on… Read more »

18 years ago

Perhaps people think that the church is obsessed with sex because it is.

18 years ago

Civil partnerships, and indeed, civil marriage, has absolutely nothing to do with the Church. I think it should keep its nose out.

Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

Neil wrote vis a vis the Catholic Church “Wisely the bishops knew the church said one thing but people believed and did another.” The same applies to the use of contraceptions and a number of other areas. I think the Catholic Church should be duly thanked for their contribution to modelling using orphans as hostages and ensuring theological “correctness” irregardless of the sociopathic political and economic dynamics with escalating consequences for future generations. They should give thanks that a pope had prayed for forgiveness at for what Christians had done to Jews and others at Austwitzch. It’s a pity while… Read more »

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