Thinking Anglicans

Executive Council reports

The Episcopal Church’s Executive Council met last week in Portland, Oregon. Unlike the Archbishops’ Council, its proceedings are conducted largely in public view.

It issued this Letter to the Church.

Further ENS reports of its actions are Executive Council approves 2007 budget, adopts resolutions on mission, ministry and Executive Council letter affirms Episcopal Church’s welcome to all people.

Living Church reports are Council Considers Proposals to Address Anticipated $3.8 Million Deficit , Development and Marketing Plan Presented to Council, and Task Forces to Study Anglican Communion Concerns .
Addition Also Executive Council Seeks to Reassure Homosexual Episcopalians

The sermon delivered by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori yesterday can be found here. ENS news article here.

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Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
18 years ago

An excellent Letter from the Executive Council.

Good to see they have not given in to the bullying.

On the matter of polity the other anglican churches would have much to learn.

The suggestion not to hold GS in states without civil unions / partnerships has much to commend it.

This is no new religion, but the religion of Jesus.

18 years ago

_urge the US government to grant asylum to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, or those advocating for their civil rights, who seek such protection, and commit the Episcopal Church to aid in their resettlement;_

Very important for Nigerians of course, as the need arises, and not only Nigerians.

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
18 years ago

I must say ECUSA, now TEC has long impressed me by its conscientious, democratic and deeply Christian approach to its life and mission.

This response to the meeting of some primates is also thoughtful and impressive. This interim letter and the setting up a task force is a very positive, and timely initail response.

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