Thinking Anglicans

Saturday thoughts

Judith Maltby writes in the Guardian about Good Friday.

Jonathan Sacks writes in The Times about Passover.

Christopher Howse writes in the Daily Telegraph about Circumcision.

Paul McPartlan writes in the Tablet about Palm Sunday.

Simon Parke writes in the Church Times about Labelling.

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17 years ago

Labels are harmful when they accompany tribes and add to boundaries. I particularly warm to Jonathan Sacks when he says that history tells us what happened and memory tells us who we are. It parallels (if not the same as) one of my points that we may need to demythologise faith for it to be meaningful in a different cultural setting, but it has to be remythologised to be faith. In doing some research and artwork towards Holy Week I discovered the point that there is now a Jewish tradition that Good Friday is the most frightening day of the… Read more »

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
17 years ago

Yes, it is so Pluralist,

and in the middle ages Good Friday was s day feared by Jews for sure.

What does it say ?

It must speak of a deep amibevalence or failure at the heart od Christianity, I suppose. Certainly perplexing.

Good luck with the art and study project ….

A good time for reading Riders in the Chariot – Patrick White (Penguin)

Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

Sacks article brought tears of happiness to my eyes. This article parallels some of the lessons. One thing that some souls might have forgotten in focusing on Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem prior to his arrest, torture and crucifixion is what Passover meant to Jesus as a Jew. Paul McPartlan’s article captures and reaffirms the passages that have historical symobilism for Christians. These are some of the passages that would have had meaning to Jesus: Isaiah 55, 56 & 61; Zephaniah 3:8-20, Zechariah 2:3-13. There is no way that Jesus did not want to see these biblical passages fulfilled. He… Read more »

Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

Souls talk of wanting the great healing for this planet. That healing will not occur whilst souls continue to behave like Edomites and deny sanctuary and dignity to other souls. The Daughter of Zion will not annoint any soul who would repudiate God’s covenants with her or any other decent covenant. She will participate in the healing and redemption of all peoples who acknowledge God and work towards true justice of compassion and mercy: for both their friends and their enemies, the pure and the afflicted, male and femaled, young and old, populous or scarce. That must be underpinned by… Read more »

17 years ago

_She will not allow the extinction of either humanity nor the Jews._ That’s reassuring; I don’t believe it for a minute. I correspond with a Kanai individual whose group is Jewish and regards Jshua (Jesus) as fulfilling the Law in advance, who reject Paul and Peter, and have communal memories in Poland, before this is southern Spain before and when the Muslims arrived, and well before of switching to Jshua after their violent methods and following of Eliezer failed at the Jewish War, and see a connection with their views and Ebionites. They have around 200 individuals left who are… Read more »

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