Thinking Anglicans

Whitsuntide columns

Vincent Nichols writes about Pentecost in The Times: Pentecostal drama explodes with energy, freedom and joy.

Carolyn Reynier writes about the Anglican chaplaincy in Nice in Face to Faith.

The Daily Telegraph has Christopher Howse on The enigma of Gerontius.

Giles Fraser writes about Ascensiontide in the Church Times: No clinging to the old ragged cloth.

The Tablet has a feature article: Pentecost is just the start by Denis Minns.

Last week’s Church Times had an article by Bob Holman about why Christians, especially bishops, should not seek power in the Lords: What happened to servanthood?

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17 years ago

I wonder how uncommunicative is the language employed by Vincent Nichols other than to those on the inside.

I’m sure that Giles Fraser will rough up some, comparing floppy Bibles and emphasis on correct sacramental forms to a noo noo comforter.

As for the House of Lords, I advocate electing people for life or up to their own retirement. That way people could advertise themselves to an electorate on the basis of what they have done in life, and some of their long term aspirations. Plus someone elected for life does not come so easily under party influence.

17 years ago

One of the great losses impending in the new conservative Anglican realignment is just this core notion of the Holy Spirit wooing us, luring us, challenging us, nourishing us, inflaming us – and yes sometimes pricking our individual/collective conscience towards better discernments – as we grow into justice, and other major forms of love of God and love of neighbor. (The moment in Acts when Ananias/Sapphira get struck dead by the Holy Spirit is much beloved on Cons-Evs blogs, with Bishop R., Diocese of NH, TEC, Integrity, Louie Crew, former PB Griswold, current PB KJS, and many others standing in,… Read more »

Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

Drdanfee Loved your posting. If you haven’t read it yet, look up Daryl Connors “Managing at the speed of change”. The models of resiliency are useful at both an individual and a collective level. At one point Credo commented “True freedom, in contrast, is the exercise of our capacity to choose deliberately and well all that is good, true and beautiful, and not to be beguiled by false and fleeting novelties that add nothing to our lasting wellbeing, or to that of others.” A contemplation in the last few days is that one thing we are fighting is inverted narcissm;… Read more »

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