Thinking Anglicans

Canadian General Synod nears

The 38th General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada will be held in Winnipeg Manitoba from 19 June to 25 June, 2007.

The official web pages for the General Synod are here. They contain details of the primatial election, texts of the resolutions to be considered, and much other information.

The draft agenda is available as a small PDF file here. Yesterday’s news article is here: Anglicans prepare to gather in Winnipeg for crucial General Synod.

There will be detailed coverage of it in the Anglican Journal whose website is here.

Two previous Canadian reports on TA are here, and also here.

Today, the Toronto Globe & Mail carries a report by Michael Valpy Bless same-sex unions, retired archbishops urge which says:

…The archbishops’ statement is signed by John Bothwell, Terence Finlay and Percy O’Driscoll, all former metropolitans, or chief bishops, of Ontario; David Crawley and David Somerville, former metropolitans of British Columbia; and Arthur Peters, former metropolitan of Quebec and the Atlantic provinces.

It says: “We urge the members of general synod to vote in favour of affirming the blessing of faithful, committed, same-gender unions and to agree that dioceses may decide, by appropriate processes, how they will act in this matter.

“We have studied, reported [on] and discussed the place of gay men and lesbians in the church for 25 years…

“We are deeply concerned that ongoing study … will only continue to draw us away from issues which are gradually destroying God’s creation – child poverty, racism, global warming, economic injustice, concern for our aboriginal brothers and sisters, and the growing disparity between the rich and the poor…”

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Charles Nurse
Charles Nurse
17 years ago

I am a delegate from the Diocese of New Westminster, and I am pleased to see emminent retired Metropolitans speak so clearly on this issue.

Unless there is public Internet Access available I won’t be on the Internet, while in Winnipeg, but if I can get access, I will monitor this (and other threads on the General Synod) and try and provide comment as appropriate.

17 years ago

Yay, Canada! 😀 (Specifically, the retired archbishops’ statement) “We are deeply concerned that ongoing study … will only continue to draw us away from issues which are gradually destroying God’s creation – child poverty, racism, global warming, economic injustice, concern for our aboriginal brothers and sisters, and the growing disparity between the rich and the poor…” Sadly, I’m coming to agree. If those who, in their Lambeth 1.10 majority, had *agreed* to LISTENING actually listened, then “ongoing study” might have made some sense. But for 9 years, all LGBT Anglicans (and their straight allies) have received is *persecution*. If those… Read more »

Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

Ongoing study should not draw us away from works or faith. We should all be frequently reading our bibles and entering into prayer. It helps us to focus and prioritise and to not be overwhelmed by the suffering of this world. There are those who argue that those who do not agree with them should not be allowed to do works until they have studied sufficiently to agree with them. Then they fail them from theological colleges because they are failing to regurgitate the marketing package that their priests are meant to consistently spiel out. What this does is reduce… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“If those who, in their Lambeth 1.10 majority, had *agreed* to LISTENING actually listened, then “ongoing study” might have made some sense.” See how many times Consevos, even here, claim they have listened and are not convinced. Listened to whom? From their comments, it is clear they haven’t listened to gay people. The question is why? Are they afraid they might get the gay germ if they are in the same room with us? Are they afraid their salvation will be at stake? They seem terrified that they are being asked to listen so as to change their minds, and… Read more »

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