Thinking Anglicans

further reactions to the Kenyan consecration

George Conger has a roundup for the CEN of reactions to the proposed consecration of Bill Atwood as a Kenyan bishop titled Mixed Reaction to Atwood Appointment.

The statement to which he refers, by Drexel Gomez, who is scheduled to address the General Synod of the Church of England in July on the virtues of the Draft Anglican Covenant, can be found in full here:

The Archbishop supports the decision of the Province of Kenya to provide resident Episcopal oversight for the clergy and congregations in the United States who placed themselves under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Kenya after they had arrived at the conclusion that the Episcopal Church no longer offered them the assurance of continuity with “The faith once delivered to the saints.” The provision of adequate pastoral care and episcopate oversight constitutes a deliberate and intentional effort to provide stability in an environment in which Anglicanism is being severely tested and challenged.

The Primates of the Communion at their meeting in Tanzania in February produced a communion response to the embattled state of Anglicanism in the United States in their offer of a provisional pastoral arrangement which provided space for the participation of all the major Anglican entities in the United States. Unfortunately, the unanimous offer of the Primates was rejected by the House of Bishops and the Executive Committee of the Episcopal Church. In the face of this unequivocal rejection, the Instruments of Communion must determine the most appropriate response to this unfortunate spectacle of a fragmented Anglicanism within the United States of America.

In this context, the decision of the Province of Kenya signals a willingness on the part of that Province to act responsibly to provide care for persons already under its jurisdiction. In addition, the selection of the Rev’d. Canon Bill Atwood as Suffragan Bishop is highly commendable. Canon Atwood is well suited for this particular ministry given his long association with Kenya and some of the other Provinces in CAPA and his unquestionable knowledge and appreciation of the ecclesial situation in the United States.

Finally, the willingness of the Province of Kenya to collaborate with the other orthodox Anglicans in the United States could serve the point towards a creation of a viable, stable and orthodox Anglican presence in the United States.

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17 years ago

I guess I am having a series of uncharitable moments in passing, today. The more I read from realignment believers about how they are so profoundly endangered by the brute facts – obvious to all or most of us by now – that (1) good and ethically decent folks are living differently from them, and to make it even worse, (2) are not necessarily asking for permission in advance from the Southern Cone or other realignment leaders to be alive and loving and breathing on the planet – the less patient I feel with this constant drumming of the threat,… Read more »

Doug Chaplin
17 years ago

In the context of this and other similar posts, I’d draw attention to the list of failed or failing states and note that Nigeria is 17th, Kenya 31st, and Rwanda 36th. Exactly how much of this economic and social disaster is caused by the evil of same-sex partnerships, or are there perhaps other rather more pressing issues for the bishops and churches of these countries to address than the moral problems of the USA, which, curiously, doesn’t appear on the list. Motes, beams, pots, kettles.

17 years ago

“point towards a creation of a viable, stable and orthodox Anglican presence in the United States.”

NEWSFLASH, ++Gomez. There already IS such a “viable, stable and orthodox Anglican presence in the United States”, and it’s called The Episcopal Church!!!

Colin Coward
17 years ago

Archbishop Drexel Gomez writes: “…the Instruments of Communion must determine the most appropriate response to this unfortunate spectacle of a fragmented Anglicanism within the United States of America.” There are a number of appropriate responses to what is happening in America, none of which Drexel has in mind, I suspect. The Epsicopal Church should be recognised as the only lawfully constituted Anglican body in the USA. Those who hold divergent views on the place of LGBT people in the church need to communicate with each other and engage in dialogue within the USA (which some are doing) rather than attempting… Read more »

17 years ago

Surely, with all this planting of ‘traditionalist’ bishops going on, tradition has something to say to them? Something from the Canons of the Ecumenical Councils perhaps? How about these?: Nicea (325) “6. The ancient customs of Egypt, Libya and Pentapolis shall be maintained, according to which the bishop of Alexandria has authority over all these places since a similar custom exists with reference to the bishop of Rome. Similarly in Antioch and the other provinces the prerogatives of the churches are to be preserved. In general the following principle is evident: if anyone is made bishop without the consent of… Read more »

Martin Reynolds
17 years ago

Those who are suffering under some illusion of there being a “middle way” through the present confrontation must be particularly daunted by this statement from Drexel Gomez. Gomez is clearly signalling that his position is now against Rowan’s Lambeth invitations and he joins those who are declaring North America is in “open season” for those Primates who want to go hunting there. Once again we see those who have been shifted into the “centre ground” moving back to their old territory. TEC may well continue to be recognised but not, I think, as the sole representative of Anglicanism in the… Read more »

17 years ago

I think that it is time that this man be asked to step down as Chair of the Covenant Design Group.

17 years ago

The simplequestion from any member of the synod to Mr Gomez is how can he on the one hand support division in the USA and on the other present a proposal for a Covenant apparently designed to prevent division among Anglican Churches. In other words, should he not sit down?

Tobias Haller
Tobias Haller
17 years ago

More dreamworks. Gomez refers to the Dar es Salaam as a unanimous statement rather than as the compromise composite it clearly was — not everyone present agreed with each separate part of the whole. Which of course is the problem with creating such curate’s eggery in the first place.

17 years ago

Mark Harris has picked up a quote from Drexel Gomez saying: “A ‘church within a church’ is the plan for the Covenant”
Can’t see that making him many friends at the Church of England General Synod in July either.


17 years ago

And once there are two American provinces than any argument against anyone else wishing to have a second province in a geographical area will be thin indeed.

About time liberals started to organise properly – starting with open defiance of the homophobic regulations of the church.

But we all know they are too wet to do so – or they would have been working for a split not continued ‘communion’ with evil forces of bigotry

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
17 years ago

“I hear that there are plans for another 10-15 new missionary bishops in the offing.”

The former rector of All Saints’ Dale City VA, Mr. John Guernsey, is to be a bishop from yet another African Province that has violated the Council of Nicea … I don’t have a link handy, but this will soon I am sure be posted to TA.

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

As far as I am concerned, the more African bishops in the US the better ! They will be (are) the best argument agaisnt their factionalism, arrogance and homophobia(etc etc etc. They will have half a dozen congreations apiece in their fiefdom—- oh what a fiefdom !

People with questioning minds and an urge to apply faith in social and other settings will know where to turn.

17 years ago

++Drexel Gomez seems to understand what the ABC calls “the mind of the Communion” very well indeed.

He ain’t going to let the tail wag the dog….sorry, those days are over

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