Thinking Anglicans

Nigeria and Uganda: further reports

Updated Wednesday

Changing Attitude has two further reports

This update on the Nigerian situation: Further news about the arrest of 18 gay men in Bauchi, Nigeria

This report on Uganda: Kampala Homosexuals Speak Out. The original of this is on allAfrica here.

And a further report: CAN members witness court appearance in Bauchi.

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Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

My sympathy to these souls. My awareness that parts of Africa still remove females’ clitorises. If God did not want sex to be enjoyable, and women to be only passive wombs and drones, God would not have given us clitorises or brains. It is a desecration to mutilate our genitalia or demand that we act as drones. If you mistreat “legitimate” females in such a manner, why are you surprised that we rise to protect GLBTs? From recent personal observation, females will put up with a huge amount of abuse when it is directed at themselves, but drag their children… Read more »

Prior Aelred
17 years ago

These courageous people have my sympathy, prayers & best wishes for what I fear will be a long struggle.

Cheryl, FWIW (& I do think it worth something) Egypt’s chief Imam & Pope Shenouda of the Coptic Church have issued a joint statement condemning female genital mutilation.

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