Thinking Anglicans

Kenya consecrations

Updated Friday

William Atwood and William Murdoch were today ordained bishops by Kenya’s Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi (and, one assumes, at least two other bishops).

Ruth Gledhill in The Times US priests become Kenyan bishops in gay protest
BBC US Anglicans join Kenyan Church
Reuters Kenya consecrates conservative U.S. clerics as bishops
The New York Times reprints the Reuters article but with different pictures.
USA Today also reprints the Reuters article with another selction of pcitures.


Global South Anglican has this picture of the consecration with many of the participating archbishops and bishops identified.
The Living Church Foundation in Bishops Atwood, Murdoch Consecrated in Kenya names several of those present.

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John B. Chilton
John B. Chilton
17 years ago

Notice the false headline USA Today uses – “2 U.S. bishops defect to Anglican Church”

Bad day in headline writing land.

17 years ago

StandFirm is running a repeat of a live feed of the consecrations. Preacher at the consecration was Drexel Gomez. Given the obvious assumption of conservative bishops that any action they see fit to take has God’s blessing, I assume that Gomez sees no impropriety in the chair of the AC Covenant drafting committee doing this. Or maybe, knowing that the Covenant will be DOA, he does not care.

17 years ago

Let’s see, 2 bishops for 30 congregations. Why not consecrate 30 or 40 more? Then we’ll have a whole set of these clowns running around. There have to be at least that many conservative priests with a “call” to the episcopacy. Then we can take care of the pressing pastoral needs of all those long suffering souls who have been cast into the outer darkness by the evil liberal pagan Episcopalians. BTW, have all these bogus bishops been middle aged white males?

17 years ago

I note that several of the media items identify Presiding Bishop Venables of the Southern Cone of America as an American Archbishop.

It isn’t just the headline writers having a hard time with facts.

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

‘Williams has no direct authority to force a compromise because each Anglican province is self-governing.’



TEC as we know IS NOT self-governing–it must submit

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

It becomes clearer and clearer that Gay Rights is set to sweep the world. It is a lot nearer than people realise. Nothing can stop it. The Churches WILL be overtaken by it quite soon. The LesGay pleroma is unstoppable. I can only rejoice and thank God for this wonderful gift. Homophobia will suddenly collapse in Africa as has only just happened in the UK. People will rub their eyes in Africa too, and wonder at the strange sleep of delusion and cruelty from which they have now emerged…. ………………”What were we thinking of?!” Watch the Wolfenden play on tv… Read more »

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

WoW !

Signatures of ‘over 30 General Synod members, including A bishop’ ! John Richardson must be right—things ARE getting serious ! ……….

17 years ago

Slight change of subject here but whilst there is a surplus of episcopal testosterone for these Kenyan consecrations, the Anglican Episcopal Church is planning rather more useful activities in the enar future: …While some will join weekend work projects of “mucking and gutting” damaged structures, others will join in prayer and pastoral visits with congregations and individuals. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, visiting at the bishops’ invitation, will participate in a September 20 evening interfaith gathering to rededicate the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. Williams will join in dialogue with the bishops on subjects including the recently proposed… Read more »

17 years ago

Graham Kings writes his opposition to these consecrations:

17 years ago

I have yet to find an Anglican realignment con-evo leader, and maybe this stretches to include believers in my neck of the woods – who has the capacity to actually care, for real, about anybody who doesn’t already pledge their closed con-evo realignment views and frameworks, along with trash talking everybody who isn’t inside the fold and properly sad and hang-dog about not being already inside the fold. I wouldn’t count on Duncan, Akinola, Gomez, and the whole lot of them to help me change a flat tire on the side of the freeway, once they had slowed down enough… Read more »

17 years ago

he following appeared today on the Anglican Church of Kenya website: “The Anglican Church of Kenya has consecrated the Rev. Canon Dr. Bill At wood and Rev. Bill Murdoch as Suffragan Bishops of All Saints Cathedral Diocese,  Nairobi to serve her international interest in USA where the Church has more than 30 congregations.  The two Bishops will collaborate with others in the  common cause network chaired by the Rt. Rev. Duncan (Pittsburg) to provide Episcopal care and oversight strategically uniting a broad conservative coalition that share historic Anglican faith and practices The consecration of the two Bishops was presided over… Read more »

17 years ago

John B – maybe “2 U.S. bishops defect to Anglican Church” is prophetic

We are very likely, sadly, to see emerging from the AC’s VGR crisis 2 quite different churches:
The Episcopal Church and The Anglican Church

17 years ago

This is BIG news……9 Primates plus one retired Primate present! More Primatial support than I dreamed of, to be honest – I expected 3 or 4 to make such a clear stand but I am surprised by 9 doing so, including ++Gomez, and also +Nazir-Ali sending his greeting and support. I do not think the ABC is going to see the AC lose all these people and bring schism to the CofE in order to support TEC’s 2003 actions which he and all the Primates of the AC begged them not to take. He is not going to reward that… Read more »

17 years ago

Ms Gledhill’s provision of the text of the letter from these General Synod members, including the Bishop of Rochester, is very helpful. They write, “We see in your ministry a wonderful expression of the Gospel promise that there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, but all are one in Christ”. Taking this to heart all marriages in the eyes of Christ are same sex as there is neither male nor female. As there is neither male nor female, there can be no issues over headship, ordination, or consecration relating to women. – Somebody should have… Read more »

Colin Coward
17 years ago

John Richardson, speaking for Anglican Mainstream, says: “Under the table, we are kicking one another’s shins raw.” Members of Anglican Mainstream are kicking raw the shins of other Anglicans? John’s comment is very revealing. This is how mainstream sees the dynamic of the dispute about homosexuality in the Anglican Communion. There is an aggressive visciousness within some conservatives that is out to attack those with whom they disagree. This is not the dynamic with which Changing Attitude approaches those Christians with whom we disagree. No-one in Changing Attitude is trying to kick anyone’s shins raw. We seek to engage openly… Read more »

17 years ago

So no doubt Messrs Atwood and Murdoch will now have a rush of vocations from their US parishes – including no doubt women, since Kenya approves the ordination of women. Will they be happy to ordain them – since there doesn’t appear to be a Kenyan mechanism for them to ‘opt out’? If they do not approve of the ordination of women then surely they have been dishonest in their vows to the Kenyan Church (faithful to the doctrine & discpline, etc). But if they are happy to ordain women, then why were +Duncan and +Iker happy to consecrate them?… Read more »

17 years ago

Ford – you will see why so many of us feel the actions we see in Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria are essential if you listen to VGR He is willing to see the AC split because he is sure God has called him to be a bishop ….. even though his discernment coincides with his self-confessed alcoholism and is questionable in that regard and regardless of the calls of ALL the Primates of the AC for him not to be made a bishop and without any care for the teaching of the AC and 2000 years of tradition upheld… Read more »

Joseph O'Leary
17 years ago

Np is against “don’t ask, don’t tell” — this logically means that he will ask gay members of his approved communities to speak up honestly about their sexual orientation and relationships. I think NOT!

17 years ago

_I do not think the ABC is going to see the AC lose all these people and bring schism to the CofE in order to support TEC’s 2003 actions_ says NP yet again in his ability to predict the Archbishop. So the Archbishop is going at the TEC bishops’ invitation and will participate in a September 20 evening interfaith gathering. The meeting will be in New Orleans, showing some of the work and efforts of the Episcopalians. And then what, he is going to remove their invitations to Lambeth 2008? It doesn’t exactly look like it does it? At an… Read more »

Thomas Skillings
Thomas Skillings
17 years ago

As I read all this stuff about who is taking the WR seriously, I am reminded of the parable of Jesus’ parable of the two sons. When asked to go work in the fields the first says he will, but then fails to go. The second says he won’t, and then goes. Which one did the will of the father?

In terms of the Windsor Report who has taken the recommendations seriously in practice, and who has contrvened the recommendations in practice.

Who is doing the will of the Report?


17 years ago

NP said: “[Rowan Williams] is not going to reward that deliberate breaking of unity in the communion . . . “

No. I suspect he won’t.

Thus he will not accede to the demands of the bullies and the poachers.

17 years ago

“Thank God for these Primates in Kenya….and also for the TEC people in Chicago for proving that many in TEC have no intention of keeping to BO33 as they shortlist for a bishopric another who openly disobeys and teaches others to disobey church teaching recently reaffirmed in TWR. Clarity and truth are good – let us all be honest and be in organisations which do not require “don’t ask, don’t tell” dishonesty but which people can be part of with real integrity…..I know liberals have historically preferred to be a minority in a larger church but the time for fudge… Read more »

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

‘…When human beings ‘exchange’ these created roses for homosexual intercourse, they embody the spiritual condition….’” from Sermon

Full sermon given on T19

How felicitous is this introduction of roses into the sermon. The roses express the true beauty of gay love — which he consciously tries to denounce — perhaps the Lord intervened as with Balaam, bestowing roses in this case ? …

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

Thanks for the picture and names –I see Minns flew all the way back there….

Very glad to see a woman at the heart of the picture

Are they becoming inclusive already?

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

“Time to cast off the unbelievable bigotry, irrationality, and hatred of present-day Anglicanism. “

… hatred of historical Anglicanism…

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“Thank God for these Primates in Kenya” NP, first of all, last week I got too hot under the collar, necessitating a well deserved reprimand from Simon. I had posted some more hotheaded stuff that I asked him to remove. Maybe it made it here and then was removed as soon as Simon was able. My apologies to you, BTW, for the nasty content of those posts. Otherwise, I don’t see any other post from me on this thread before now, so I don’t know what you are referring to in your above post about Gene Robinson. That said, though,… Read more »

17 years ago

Hello Ford – I agree with you re the longevity comments….

One thing I would like to see is “liberals” doing more for those outside the church in destructive, promiscuous lifestyles…..calling them out of that for their own good as many do get damaged as I am sure you will agree. I do not hear even this message from the pressure groups who would force the AC to accept VGR….they seem more led by the morality of society than anything else.

Ford – what do you think of the VGR interview?

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“what do you think of the VGR interview?” Link, please? If you mean the one I read recently where he forgave those who made it necessary for him to wear a bullet proof vest at his consecration, well, I hope we both think the same about that. Answer the question: which is preferable in a bishop, honesty or sexual purity? Attwood, I hope unintentially, is citing propaganda as though it were truth. Do you think this is appropriate behaviour? As to “destructive, promiscuous lifestyles”, I hope you are not using that phrase to mean “gay”. What liberals are telling people… Read more »

17 years ago

Dear Ford

I put the link above – here it is again:

Re “destructive, promiscuous lifestyles” – I mean the lives we see in the clubs etc (outside the church)….what message is being carried to these people by liberals? Any call to repentance for the good of the people in that lifestyle? (same applies to heteros in promiscuity, of course)

Ford, may I say I would like bishops to display both a high degree of honesty and purity?

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

NP, I had read it before, thanks. (the Times Ruth Gledhill from July?) Let’s see: 1. Repeated calls for honesty about the number of gay clergy in England and elsewhere: good thing. 2. Expression of surprise that no-one seems to have known or cared about gay priests till recently: I feel the same way. 3. There should be the same standards for priests and bishops: definitely 4. Compliance with the ABofC’s wishes not to celebrate in England, hurtful though this may be: sets a good example 5. His comments on punishment: agree 6. His opposition to a Roman type authority… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“Ford, may I say I would like bishops to display both a high degree of honesty and purity?”

But the point is that you think Gene Robinson is unfit for episcopacy because of his perceived sexual impurity. You do not call for the defrocking of a bishop who is not honest, and you certainly don’t seem to want to split the Church over it. Why the difference?

17 years ago

Ford – the difference is that only one of the examples you give would argue that their sin is not a sin.

Attwood is not saying it is fine to be dishonest…..even if you think he is being dishonest in this case.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

There’s an old joke, NP: What’s the difference between a Lutheran, a Baptist, and an Anglican? (I hope I get the order right here) A Baptist doesn’t care what you believe as long as you do the right thing, a Lutheran doesn’t care what you do as long as you believe the right thing, and an Anglican doesn’t care what you believe, or what you do, as long as it’s tasteful. Which are you? It’s OK to be dishonest as long as you don’t tell people it’s OK to be dishonest? That’s just bizarre. And I don’t know he’s being… Read more »

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