Thinking Anglicans

Breakaways meet in Pittsburgh

The Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes (NACDAP) announces Anglican Bishops Take First Steps to New Structure.

Anglican bishops from ten jurisdictions and organizations pledged to take the first steps toward a “new ecclesiastical structure” in North America. The meeting of the first ever Common Cause Council of Bishops was held in Pittsburgh September 25–28.

The bishops present lead more than 600 Anglican congregations. They formally organized themselves as a college of bishops which will meet every six months. They also laid out a timeline for the path ahead, committed to working together at local and regional levels, agreed to deploy clergy interchangeably and announced their intention to, in consultation “with those Primates and Provinces of the Anglican Communion offering recognition under the timeline adopted,” call a “founding constitutional convention for an Anglican union,” at the earliest possible date agreeable to all of the partners…

Read on for the full text of “The Articles of The Common Cause Partnership”.

Episcopal News Service reports Common Cause bishops pledge to seek Anglican recognition and lists the bishops of the Episcopal Church, USA who took part in this:

Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan convened the meeting in his role as moderator of the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes (NACDP), also known as the Anglican Communion Network.

Thirteen active or former diocesan Episcopal Church bishops attended the meeting, including Keith Ackerman (Quincy), James Adams (Western Kansas), Fitz Allison (formerly of South Carolina), Peter Beckwith (Springfield), David Bena (formerly of Albany), Alex Dickson (formerly of West Tennessee), Andrew Fairfield (formerly of North Dakota), John Howe (Central Florida), Jack Iker (Fort Worth), William Love (Albany), Donald Parsons (formerly of Quincy), Henry Scriven (assistant, Pittsburgh) and William Wantland (formerly of Eau Claire).

Duncan and others compared the steps taken during the meeting to those of the Reformation, the American Revolution, the U.S. Civil War and martyrdom.

Scroll down for a complete list of participant bishops and other leaders from all jurisdictions.

The “Common Cause College of Bishops Statement” also appears on the website of the Diocese of Pittsburgh: Anglican Bishops Take First Steps to New Structure.

A list of participating bishops now appears on the Network website.

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17 years ago

WELL DONE ABC! You are achieving the split in the AC you say you do not want because you are trying to build unity on the lies of TEC (eg Bruno saying he does not authorise ssbs when he has been allowing them for years and even attends). Not many are fooled. The ABC’s reliance on political advisors, who thought playing with words and ambiguity could fool people into “unity” (at least for a while), has led to this sad split. Some real leadership from the ABC in the last few years, based on truth and honesty rather than the… Read more »

17 years ago

So you are off then NP? Hope you’ll be happy with the breakaways – but they are composed of different constituent groups who will soon be less than agreed on theological matters!

Stephen Roberts
Stephen Roberts
17 years ago

There’s *nothing* to be pleased about. Whether it’s the TEC or Duncan et. al doing the splitting, division in the Church is a failure for all concerned and distressing to God. Rather than descending into the usual slanging matches about who’s fault it is, how about some prayer for the people who’s lives will be turned upside down by this sorry scandalous failure of our church leaders? The people assisted by global projects (such as those of the USPG) who will find projects cancelled and funding diverted depending on the which of the new brands of Anglicanism they follow? The… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
17 years ago

Whilst I do not doubt the integrity of the particiapants at Pittsburgh…it seems incomprehensible to me that Forward in faith can join with the Reformed Episcopalians. The latter in their foundational document denounce: 1) baptisnmal regeneration. 2) the real presence of Christ in the Elements at Holy Coommunion 3) the Eucharistic sacrifice 4) the Divine origin and necessity of episcopacy. All doctrines specificalaly held as essential to Catholic Faith and Ecclesiastical order by Forward in Faith. The Reformed Episcopalians left the Episcopal Church in 1873 because of the errors of the ritualist Anglo-catholics and now they seek to embrace them!… Read more »

17 years ago

+++Williams knew perfectly well that a split was inevitable (even desirable). What he didn’t want was that split to involve the ‘expelling’ of TEC from the AC. He knows on which side he’d rather be (along with the majority of the AC). As it is, a conservative American rump will choose to walk into ‘sectdom’ obscurity (and probably fragment rather quickly). And when push comes to shove, while some African churches may ‘recognise’ this rump, they sure as hell won’t follow it out of the AC and off the radar. Here’s a piece by +++Rowan that put’s his views on… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
17 years ago

Whilst I do not doubt the integrity of the particiapants at Pittsburgh…it seems incomprehensible to me that Forward in faith can join with the Reformed Episcopalians. The latter in their foundational document denounce: 1) baptisnmal regeneration. 2) the real presence of Christ in the Elements at Holy Coommunion 3) the Eucharistic sacrifice 4) the Divine origin and necessity of episcopacy. All doctrines specificalaly held as essential to Catholic Faith and Ecclesiastical order by Forward in Faith. The Reformed Episcopalians left the Episcopal Church in 1873 because of the errors of the ritualist Anglo-catholics and now they seek to embrace them!… Read more »

17 years ago

If this is finally the split, then my reaction is RELIEF! They get to shake the dust off their feet at us and feel superior. They can now go off and start their own oh so excruciatingly pure and correct fag-free church complete with required random blood tests for doctrinal orthodoxy. Then they will quickly get about the business of anathematizing each other. Without us as enemies to hold them together, they’ll be at each other’s throats. We can get on with our business without the constant threat of civil war, and without always trying to accomodate people who won’t… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“Bruno saying he does not authorise ssbs when he has been allowing them for years and even attends” Every bishop is likely to have to turn a blind eye to certain things out of pastoral necessity. Some will do it for very poor reasons, like furthering their political agendas, hiding their sexuality, all kinds of reasons, good and bad. On our planet, NP, admitting that you do something that you actually DO is called “honesty”. Turning around and claiming to be all pious and attacking someone else for doing this when one does it onesself is what we call “dishonesty”.… Read more »

17 years ago

“Duncan and others compared the steps taken during the meeting to those of the Reformation, the American Revolution, the U.S. Civil War and martyrdom ……… [whose] consequences in the past, Duncan said, have included death. ‘My prayer for us who have gathered here is that…we will be such a threat to the present order that we will be found worth killing’ “.

Don’t sell ourselves short, do we?

17 years ago

It certainly won’t be just an American split. They will no doubt wish to join with the extremist fundamentalist provinces to pretend they are still Anglicans.

I wonder who in the CofE will follow them. Are you leaving, NP?

The departure of Reform, Anglican ‘Mainstream’ will be more than welcome. I may even go back to Church!

Colin Coward
17 years ago

Has it now become clear, NP, or do we have to wait for the 30th September deadline, or for the Primates meeting you think the ABC is going to call? On August 6 and 7 you posted to TA: I think you will see the ABC make a great attempt in the US in September to get the TEC HOB to accept TWR and respond unequivocally (not in “Griswoldian” and with the intention of keeping promises made)……. …. and when he fails given TEC is not likely to repent of its actions and stance, the ABC will have to accept… Read more »

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
17 years ago

Colin is asking NP to admit that he/she was wrong in assessing what the ABC would do in September, by reminding NP of previous postings.

Since I am not as hopeful for NP’s conversion from his/her delusional fanatics about what the Anglican Communion is, and isn’t, I will await further smoke and mirrors from NP, who only seems to see the faults of others, and never seems to look in the mirror.

17 years ago

‘My prayer for us who have gathered here is that…we will be such a threat to the present order that we will be found worth killing’ “.

What if they gave a martyrdom and nobody came?
Is indifference a form of persecution?
Is there such a thing as boring people for the Faith?
What if you’re there with the cross and the nails all ready to get nailed up and crucified, but nobody shows up?

“Beat me!” said the masochist.
“No!” said the sadist.

17 years ago

The very first post – NP’s- seems to make a great deal regarding the disruption and upset that the actions of TEC have produced in the AC – those “ripples” in the pond that are becoming larger and threatening the other boats – I would submit that while such disruption COULD be evil but it is simplistic to ASSUME evil from such actions. While Christ COULD have been evil since he certainly produced huge tidal wave size waves in his own society it is safe to assume we all rejoice that he was such a real “troublemaker” and managed to… Read more »

Davis d'Ambly
Davis d'Ambly
17 years ago

‘My prayer for us who have gathered here is that…we will be such a threat to the present order that we will be found worth killing’ “.


17 years ago

Excellent! True American consumerism: everybody has a favorite brand and argues from brand loyalty.

Why the distress? Have those involved in Common Cause infringed on a registered TEC or CofE trademark?

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

Well, the only thing I’m interested in is whether any of the bishops claimed indeed were so – and if they signed anything ;=)

17 years ago

“Have those involved in Common Cause infringed on a registered TEC or CofE trademark?”

At this point apparently not, Trog. Now if there was an attempt to walk of with a diocese of TEC – Pittsburgh, say, or Fort Worth …….

17 years ago

Ford – I wonder if your problem with me is something to do with what you call “the clobber verses” – do you not like my sticking to these clobber verses and so keep on pointing out hypocrisy etc to try and get away from the fact that the clobber verses still stand? COLIN – thanks for quoting me as it shows I was right! The ABC did his best to get TEC to comply – you notice that (even though many of them do not mean it), TEC HOB have promised not to auhtorise ssbs and not to give… Read more »

Hugh of Lincoln
Hugh of Lincoln
17 years ago

Midnight strikes. The Great Day is here, NP. No sign of ye virgins wise yet 😉

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
17 years ago

“Excellent! True American consumerism: everybody has a favorite brand and argues from brand loyalty.

Why the distress? Have those involved in Common Cause infringed on a registered TEC or CofE trademark?”

No, but they insist on absconding with TEC property in the form of church buildings and funds.

17 years ago

“Why the distress? Have those involved in Common Cause infringed on a registered TEC or CofE trademark?”

I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.


17 years ago

So, are you leaving the Anglican Church to join the Akinolan/US schismatic faction, NP?

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“pointing out hypocrisy etc to try and get away from the fact that the clobber verses still stand?”

I’ve explained myself repeatedly in the past year. If you don’t understand by now, there’s little point in explaining further.

John Henry
John Henry
17 years ago

“My prayer for us who have gathered here is that…we will be such a threat to the present order that we will be found worth killing” (Bob Duncan).

Does +Bob Pittsburgh really expect PB Jefferts Schori to subject him to neo-con Dick Cheney’s enemy combatants rendition program?

17 years ago

Merseymike – no, I am not leaving because: – I believe in the creeds (unlike some liberals); – Lambeth 1.10 stands (based on the Ford’s “clobber verses”); – I do not think TEC HOB saying one thing but doing another is going to fool many of the Primates or even moderates like Fulcrum in the CofE…….. so, I think you will see the ABC CONTINUE to stick to the orthodox position, based on Lambeth 1.10, as he has in the last 4 years. TEC has replied by Sept 30th. Now we have to wait for lots of assessments of their… Read more »

17 years ago

“….. don’t crack open the pink champagne yet, Merseymike.” Outdoing ourself in the Tasteful Wit Stakes, aren’t we NP? Interesting when someone slips, exposing their raw prejudice, isn’t it?

17 years ago

But, NP, the US secessionists have already decided they can’t be bothered to wait for any response from Canterbury.
What you forget, NP, is that the ABC called for necessary compromise. TEC have clearly provided that compromise though do not go back on their actual beliefs (which is what you want to see)

In what way are you prepared to compromise, as the ABC requested, NP?

17 years ago

If the Episcopal Church is just so damnedly hateful, an offense against all things holy, then why stay with it? The schismatic bishops clearly have pensions at stake. But other folks…? What’s to stop you from swimming the Tiber? or Lake Geneva? or gathering down by the beautiful river with the Evangelicals? Why not start anew in a whole new church? Authoritarian and rigidly doctrinal churches at war with modernity and feminism are hardly in short supply these days. What would a new purified homo-free Anglican church have to offer in that saturated market besides a past edition of the… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

NP wrote: “I believe in the creeds” As do “liberals”. “Lambeth 1.10 stands (based on the Ford’s “clobber verses”)” First time I heard this said. Doesn’t it feel a bit week so be based on 6 verses but not the Gospel? Verses changed the wording and/or interpretation of wich is scholastic to late modern, as it is. “I do not think TEC HOB saying one thing but doing another is going to fool many of the Primates…” But then this has “always” that is from Lambeth Conference (= tea and cakes) 1998 been a very silly game. One cannot expect… Read more »

17 years ago

Merseymike – if TEC gave and open and honest answer, we could make a constructive response.
People like Bruno playing with technicalities to say he does not “authorise” ssbs when we all know he permits them is not going to fool many into a “compromise”

Even CofE moderates don’t feel TEC HOB have given an adequate, honest answer –

17 years ago

Lapin – that was not an insult or based on prejudice! I did hope it was witty, I confess…. sorry if you think it shows prejudice (not my intention)

17 years ago

NP; Fulcrum are not moderates – they are evangelicals, just not as conservative as Reform et al. They make up part of the evangelical grouping, however.

TEC are doing what the ABC requested of them. I can’t see how you can complain about that!

17 years ago

Mersey – I can complain because people are playing with words and have no intention to keep to commitments the ABC and his political advisors requested in order to try and make a fudge… least some bishops are saying honestly that they will not keep the compromise TEC HOB have made with the ABC…..and we may yet see Lind elected in Chicago or has KJS already asked her to step down???

17 years ago

Duncan of Pittsburgh: ‘My prayer for us who have gathered here is that…we will be such a threat to the present order that we will be found worth killing.’

Malcolm+: Sorry Bob, no, you’re not. You are worth a good chuckle though. Over the top histrionics are always good for a laugh.

17 years ago

NP; TEC has not changed its mind, and will not repent because they have nothing to repent for. They have agreed to show restraint until THEIR GC says otherwise – and in the Anglican church, it is the individual province who makes the decision. Whether you like it or not, liberals are part of the Anglican Communion and will remain so. If you don;t like that, then you have a simple option, given that there is going to be e breakaway. It has already begun in America. Personally, I think the Church will be far better without those who believe… Read more »

17 years ago

“at least some bishops are saying honestly that they will not keep the compromise TEC HOB have made with the ABC” Who cares? Unless you’re looking for a guest of honor at your next heretic burning. As long as a majority of bishops decide to stick to it, it matters little if a few do not. “and we may yet see Lind elected in Chicago or has KJS already asked her to step down???” We’ve already seen this play out once. A gay candidate was nominated in the diocese of Northern California and was not elected. No crisis. Even if… Read more »

17 years ago

ruidh – that would seem very unfair on Lind….would it not?

You’d be happy with that?

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago


No one has a “right” to ordination, as no one has a “right” to consecration – but if the person qualifies, then that person is a gift from God to the Church.

And the Church is free to call her or him.

Hugh of Lincoln
Hugh of Lincoln
17 years ago

In the event that Lind is elected, we shouldn’t necessarily assume that her “manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church” in the same way that a gay man apparently does.

17 years ago

no, of course we should not Hugh………we should talk everyone to death until the AC is reduced to a rump of western liberals and their clients overseas, rights?

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
17 years ago

“no, of course we should not Hugh………we should talk everyone to death until the AC is reduced to a rump of western liberals and their clients overseas, rights?”

Is that any worse than a rump of bigoted anti-western conservatives who have cut themselves off from all progress in the fields of human psychology and physiology?

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