Thinking Anglicans

Zimbabwe update

Further developments since this report:

Living Church Two Sees in Central Africa Declared Vacant by George Conger

Anglican Communion News Service From the Dean of the Province on the withdrawal from the Province of Bishops Kunonga and Jakazi

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17 years ago

“Because a diocese in accordance with the Constitution of the Church… forms an integral part of the Church…, and therefore any act purporting to withdraw a diocese is unconstitutional and uncanonical as this would alter the very structure and constitution of the Province.” Quite so with relevance to recent discussion, and rather different from Rowan Williams’s recent viewpoint. And this is for TEC, for the near future: “by notice of their letters had severed relationship, in their own private capacity, with the Province… and were no longer bishops of the Church of the Province…, from the dates on when the… Read more »

Fr Mark
17 years ago

Province deposes bishops. How does this square with Abp Rowan’s ecclesiology as expressed in his letter to Bp Howe?

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

It’s very interesting. Though a ‘Province’ is, to me at least, merely an administrative entity, you still can’t just “withdraw” against the canons by which that entity is set up. Yet there is something about all this that reveals a different attitude towards institutional authorty. The West long ago lost faith in the traditional power structures. We look askance at insitutional authority, especially that of the Church because we’ve been shown that such institutions don’t deserve trust. I don’t think non-Western societies have been through that loss of faith, and still have the respect and simple acceptance of authority that… Read more »

Cheryl Va. Clough
17 years ago

Ford They are not unreasonable musings. Some commentary about Iraq is that Hussein might have been a thug, but at least he kept all the other thugs under control. Where the rule of law has been rent asunder for centuries, souls rely on a powerful leader to keep things under control. Some souls like it that way because it gives them a sense of “divinity”, a bit like being a little pharaoh in their little realm, along with their little priests to justify their “divine” appointment and authority. Tyrants never relinquish power willingly, and don’t mind instability in their societies… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

Cheryl, Some [eople like it because it gives them comfort and security. For instance, while I believe NP’s heros are power hungry, I don’t think NP is. I think what is most important for him is there be a clearly seen law that all follow. This would, in his eyes, bring about lasting concord and great growth to the Gospel. For him the law we must obey is clear, and clearly written. If the law is subtle or nuanced, then he is not comfortable. If someone disagrees with his understandiong of the law, one must give way, since one of… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
17 years ago

Let’s try and limit comments to the topic of Zimbabwe shall we?

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