Thinking Anglicans

CANA update

Several reports from Northern Virginia:

The recent legal proceedings are discussed by Robert L. McCan in As we await a decision, at Daily Episcopalian.

The Fairfax Times published CANA split on issue of women priests

The Falls Church News-Press had Defectors from Episcopal Church Revert to Ban on Women Priests.

Julia Duin wrote on her blog about Chasing Archbishop Akinola.

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Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“He painted the “strange, motley crew named CANA” as a diverse grouping of churches with only a in common. “

No, their unity isn’t based on a “commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior”, since they had in TEC. It must be based on something else, now what might that be? Ordination of women? No, the cracks are already beginning to develop in that area. Sacramental theology? No. Liturgical praxis? Hardly. So, if not Jesus, not orders, not praxis or theology, whatever could it be that unifies them, I wonder?

17 years ago

I am sure there will be continuing splits as what unites them is far more what they are against than what they are for….

Edward of Baltimore
Edward of Baltimore
17 years ago

“Minns added, “I am fully aware that this is a topic of concern for many clergy and congregations throughout CANA and one that produces intense reactions.” He said he’s appointed a task force to study the matter from the standpoint of what he called “two integrities” of the issue…” Sounds like a case of “out of the pot and into the frying pan.” It will be interesting to see how many women find Bishop Robinson of greater importance than their own integrity and self worth. I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot of “I told you so”… Read more »

17 years ago

Backpedaling on women now? I wonder if they’ll bring back the burning of heretics next.

17 years ago

As a rhyming story, I recall Akinola’s reluctance to attend Lambeth reportedly based on his fear that he could not be protected adequately from protestors — a regrettable lack of spine and an disturbing unwillingness to witness for his convictions. I wonder what St. Stephen and other martyrs thought as they were asked to witness with their lives?

david keen
david keen
17 years ago

‘CANA split on issue of women priests’

I laughed so much my sides formed a new denomination.

Columba Gilliss
Columba Gilliss
17 years ago

Anybody know how many women priests are currently serving in congregations that have joined CANA – or were doing so just before that?
Columba Gilliss

17 years ago

I wonder how the Duncan Women will feel about renouncing their vows. Personally I think that’s why Duncan hasn’t jumped on the Southern Cone ship and I wonder if privately Duncan doesn’t really loathe Akinola. I’ve heard Pittsburgh Canon Missioner, Mary Hays has said she’d take off her collar and renounce her vows for the good of the orthodox. At a district meeting in the diocese of Pittsburgh, on of the Fifna bishops to be, got up and stated that he didn’t recognize the one one priest who was in attendance. Did say she was a lovely lady but no… Read more »

Prior Aelred
17 years ago

Maybe the next step will be mandatory celibacy for priests & bishops! (B-16 would like that, I bet)

Ann Marie
17 years ago


Intersting that in order to become a priest one must sincerely believe that they are being called by God. So, those who accuse us of following cultural trends rather than God, would be willing to ignore the call by God to follow cultural trends? Methinks there’s a bit of irony there.

Love and Prayers,
Ann Marie

Cheryl Va. Clough
17 years ago

Not surprised to see the back flip on women, that has been on the agenda for the core conservatives for a long time.

There is a silent tolerance whilst they try to push forward to build a viable global schism. Once successful, they’ll clean up their “unclean” communion members.

L Roberts
L Roberts
17 years ago

‘Backpedaling on women now? I wonder if they’ll bring back the burning of heretics next.’

Posted by: ruidh on Thursday, 20 December 2007 at 1:05pm GMT

What made you think they had ever abandoned the practice ? !

17 years ago

Any competent PR professional will tell you that you can’t run from the media, and that attempting to do so makes you appear weak and cowardly.

Thank goodness Archdeacon Tunde is not a competent PR professional.

Lisa Fox
17 years ago

According to the Falls Church article: “In his remarks at the ceremony, Minns said, ‘At this time, the Church of Nigeria, to which we owe canonical obedience, has no provision for the ordination of women.’ “By aligning with the Nigerian church, therefore, CANA repudiated a decision taken by the Episcopal Church, U.S.A. in 1976 to permit the ordination of women. “Minns added, ‘I am fully aware that this is a topic of concern for many clergy and congregations throughout CANA and one that produces intense reactions.’ “He said he’s appointed a task force to study the matter from the standpoint… Read more »

17 years ago

That should be “Yes, Your Grace.” Big Pete is an ARCHbishop.

17 years ago

Thanks for the link to Julia Duin’s blog. Ms. Duin, a reporter for the right-wing, Moonie-owned “Washington Times”, has been consistently supportive of the Virginia CANA secessionist group, yet every effort she made to speak directly to Akinola and to Minns were deliberately blocked – ultimately by a “priest/bodyguard, who happened to be built like a football player”, who addressed her by her Christian name, and therefore knew exactly who she was. If Minns is prepared to go to this length to prevent a sympathetic reporter from having access to Akinola, it indicates that the archbishop’s earlier, on-the-record “mis-speaks” are… Read more »

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