Thinking Anglicans

Advent Letter rumbles on

Updated Thursday

First Anglican Mainstream published a response to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Advent Letter.

That response can be read here.

Then Andrew Goddard published an analysis of that response. You can read that analysis here at Fulcrum.

Update Thursday

And now here comes Michael Poon with a response to Andrew Goddard: Reaffirming our Vows and Rekindling our First Love: the Sanctification of the Anglican Communion.

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17 years ago

Whilst my pot might be calling the kettle black, I wish he could sharpen up what he is trying to state; do an abstract or summary, Andrew.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

“There appeared to be no consequences for the repeated bad actions of the Episcopal Church.” Because we have to punish, after all, why be a Christian otherwise, I guess. “the survival of its persecuted minority.” Oh, please. Consider what you are saying here, and get over yourselves, literally for the love of God. Persecuted minority. For the love and honour of God! “to accept those who promote immoral behaviour is contrary to biblical teaching” So, perhaps we ought to correct our past acceptance of immoral behaviour, acceptance which continues to the present day, before we start tackling anything new? At… Read more »

Prior Aelred
17 years ago

Again we see the puritan mindset at work — at the moment the presenting issue is sexuality issues, but there will be others — they always need an impure “other” that they can unite against — where is the Gospel in that?

Fr Mark
Fr Mark
17 years ago

Ford Elms: those Churches who fail the evo homosexuality test by turning the litmus pink would also include the Scandinavian churches, more liberal than the C of E on homosexuality (and women), and (except Denmark) in full communion with us.

Bob in SW PA
Bob in SW PA
17 years ago

Prior et all Sexuality was the issue. In the diocese of Pittsburgh they’re now telling the people in the pews that the leadership of TEC denies the Trinity and the divinity of Christ. At my old parish, where there a lot of members who either teach public school (like myself) or work for the local college, homosexuality wasn’t selling. Now, they’ve said that many in the TEC heirarchy are anti Trinity. The clergy have even said that some in power don’t believe in Christ’s physical ressurection. I heard one parishoner say, “they’re not even allowed to bring the bible into… Read more »

17 years ago

“There it is: if you don’t think like we do about homosexuality and Scriptural authority, you are not a Christian. Faith in Christ doesn’t count, fellowship in the Eucharist doesn’t count, baptism doesn’t count.”

Brilliant summation (of ridiculous views), Ford.

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
17 years ago

“I heard one parishoner say, “they’re not even allowed to bring the bible into church in New Hampshire!”

Which must make it awfully difficult to do the OT, epistle and gospel readings, right?

What utter nonsense.

Prior Aelred
17 years ago

Bob in SW PA on Monday, 14 January 2008 at 7:32pm GMT —

The quotation from Mussolini is, “What people will believe in unbelievable.” (That’s not a violation of Godwin’s Law is it?)

It saddens me that should this purge succeed, the Anglican Communion will no longer be a place that could be a home to Dr. Arnold, Lord Shaftesbury and E. B. Pusey.

John Robison
John Robison
17 years ago

Father Prior-

Godwin’s Law only applies when it is inappropriate/off topic and hyperbolic. It also only counts for Nazis. So you are safe on all counts.

poppy tupper
poppy tupper
17 years ago

actually, godwin’s law never applies. some people have a fascist mindset and that’s all there is to it. they like to hide behind godwin’s law, but we shouldn’t let them. some of the marks of fascism are: to suppress opposite opinions; to persecute minorities, especially powerless ones; to misrepresent the truth for their own ends; to dehumanise opponents; to seek a purity that is by definition unobtainable by their opponents (eg. being jewish or a gypsy or a homosexual excludes you); to overvalue heirarchical structures. i don’t call anyone in the present situation a fascist, i simply list some of… Read more »

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