Thinking Anglicans

General Synod Papers

Most papers for next month’s General Synod are now online and are listed below. We will update the list as the remainder become available.

Updated 29 January to link to remaining papers

Monday 11 February
Tuesday 12 February
Wednesday 13 February
Thursday 14 February
Special Agenda I (Legislative Business)

Papers for debate
The day set for debate is shown in brackets. Deemed business will only be debated if there is a request from members for this to happen.

GS 1598D Amending Canon No 27 (Tuesday)

GS 1599C Vacancy in See Committees Regulation 1993 (Tuesday)

GS 1637A Draft Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Measure (Tuesday)
GS 1638A Draft Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Regulations (Tuesday)
GS 1639A Draft Amending Canon No 29 (Tuesday)
GS 1637-9Y Report by the Revision Committee
GS Misc 874 Background Note to Illustrative Material

GS 1642A Draft Amending Canon No 28 (Wednesday)
GS 1642Y Report by the Revision Committee

GS 1672 Draft Ecclesiastical Fees (Amendment) Measure (Wednesday)
GS 1672X Explanatory Memorandum
GS Misc 877 Four Funerals and a Wedding

GS 1673 Growing Together in Unity and Mission (Thursday)

GS 1675 Report by the Business Committee (Monday)

GS 1677 Forty-Second Report of the Standing Orders Committee (deemed business)
First Notice Paper

GS 1678 Mental Health Issues (Wednesday)

GS 1679 Anglican Communion Covenant (Wednesday)
Annex 1 and Annex 2

GS 1680 Crown Appointments (Thursday)

GS 1681 Detention without Charge (Thursday)

GS 1682 Draft Church of England Pensions (Amendment) Measure (Tuesday)
GS 1682X Explanatory Memorandum

GS 1683 Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure (deemed business)
GS 1683X Explanatory Memorandum

GS 1684 Code of Practice under Part V of the Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007 (Tuesday)

GS Misc 875A and GS Misc 875B Casinos (private member’s motion – Tuesday)

GS Misc 876A and GS Misc 876B Eucharistic Prayer for Children (Diocesan Synod motion – Wednesday)

GS Misc 878A and GS Misc 878B Bible Availability (private member’s motion – Thursday)

Other papers circulated to members of the General Synod

GS Misc 873 Review of Extended Communion: Analysis of Diocesan Responses
GS Misc 881 Zimbabwe

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17 years ago

Interesting notes from the Archbishops on the future of the Anglican Covenant. I see that it is official that at the Lambeth Conference: “We don’t want the bishops to vote a text – or any part of it – up or down, but to make their views clear on the development of the text, and to catalyse the discussion at Provincial level” I also see that the earliest date on which any covenant could be finalised is 2009, and that this would be at the Anglican Consulatative Council of that year. Looks like the Primates are being kept firmly away… Read more »

Fr Mark
17 years ago

It looks from the daily news reports as if the most pressing social problem in Britain is the current culture of street violence/knives/guns/muggings. Shouldn’t the Church in Synod have something to say about this? We should be a strong voice for peace, tolerance and acceptance of difference.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
17 years ago

See,s to me that this is all about fiddling while Rome (or Canterbury) burns. By the way did anyone on the Anglican church read the report in the Guardian on Tuesday setting out the remarkable change in attitudes over the last 20 years to gay men and lesbians in society. I haven’t got the paper anymore but wasn’t it something like 80% acceptance and roughly equal approval or dis approval of gay parenting? So what has the church to say about this. If it says anything at all the hard liners will just trot out the same old tired condemnations… Read more »

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