Thinking Anglicans

CofE attendance statistics

The Archbishops’ Council has issued a press release which contains a whole lot of detailed information about Church of England attendance, and other statistics.

See Latest figures show changing trends in church-going. It’s worth reading all the way through.

The Church Times has an article about this today, Attendance slides, but several dioceses buck the trend.

The underlying data is available in a PDF file here.

There is also the data from another survey by ORB which is in this PDF file here.

The Daily Telegraph reported this as Festive services boost CofE attendance by Jonathan Petre.

Religious Intelligence has Sunday attendance figures down, Church of England reveals.

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17 years ago

Hmmm. If funerals’ fluctuation of 4% is down to demographics, does that imply a change of say 2-3% in other metrics is indistinguishable from an even keel?

17 years ago

With 69% calling themselves Christian and 65 of another faith, and 50% Church of England, and 6% of othe faiths (illogicality in responses mean not all the 50% will consider themselves part of the 69%), that leaves quite a hefty up to 25% who now consider themselves of no faith. 85% went into a church some time. I remember when we did a survey of attendance in a council estate where the local churches were empty. We stressed we were university and not Church in any sense, to reduce the “give them what they want to hear” answers. Nevertheless, from… Read more »

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