Thinking Anglicans

opinions at Candlemas

Evangelicals, beginning to voice concern for God’s earth, are critical to the US elections, says James Jones in the Guardian’s Face to Faith column.

Jonathan Sacks writes in The Times that Love can teach us to listen to our enduring melodies.

Christopher Howse in the Daily Telegraph has An addiction to behaving badly.

Giles Fraser, in the Church Times says that Too much religion is bad for your faith.

Rowan Williams gave an interview to Martha Linden of the Press Association which you can read in full at his site. It’s more wide-ranging than the headline, Archbishop criticises 24 hour drinking.

Simon Barrow wrote about Challenging the neo-liberal paradigm for Ekklesia.

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Cheryl Va. Clough
17 years ago

James Jones commented about an American concern “The problem is that many Americans still dismiss the sustainability agenda as bad science, bad religion, bad for business and bad for America. Their fear is that if you factor in the environmental costs you’ll price America out of the market…” That was a big issue for Aussies as well. The last elections were a turning point, as there was a massive swing towards environmental candidates and consequent landslide swing to Labour. It was only the second time in Australia’s electoral history that a currently serving Prime Minister was voted out of his… Read more »

Peter of Westminster
Peter of Westminster
17 years ago

“Large organisations readily come to see their own internal workings as being what they are all about.”

How true! Thanks for this essay, Giles Fraser — it came just as I was deciding whether to “step away just a little.”

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