Thinking Anglicans

even-handed fund raising

Martyn Minns and Gene Robinson both appear to have received the same letter concerning fund raising for the Lambeth Conference.

Read George Conger Traditionalist bishop inadvertently invited to Conference.

Read Jim Naughton Dear New Hampshire, Send your money, not your bishop.

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Cheryl Va.
17 years ago

The George Conger article ends “The Lambeth Conference organizing committee stated it had not sent the letters, and suggested it might have been a hoax to create further mischief in the run up to the summer gathering.” Considering some of the players and the inconsistency in the correspondence, that’s likely. Remember there are some who simply love to bicker and cause mischief. Isaiah 57:20-21 “…the wicked are like the tossing sea, which cannot rest, whose waves cast up mire and mud. “There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”’ Jeremiah 18:18-20 “They said, “Come, let’s make plans against… Read more »

Hugh of Lincoln
Hugh of Lincoln
17 years ago

Bishop Robinson can feel justified by not contributing to the carbon footprint emitted by the Lambeth Conference. The programme on Saturday 26 July is ‘Safeguarding Creation: the bishop and the environment’. Not flying half way round the world might set a good example.

Many are chosen. Few are called.

kieran crichton
kieran crichton
17 years ago

The difference between “+”Minns and +Robinson is that only one of them was consecrated according to the proper procedures of TEC. Minns is an episcopus vagans posing as a bishop of the Anglican Communion: there’ve been plenty like him before (some of us do remember a bit of Anglo-Catholic history) and there will, no doubt, be plenty like him in the future. He is bishop of no diocese, and his consecration was an explicitly schismatic act. For what it’s worth, I would assert that he is a false shepherd: the whole premise of his consecration was to lead people out… Read more »

17 years ago

I think that the response of New Hampshire Episcopalians is probably something along the lines of:

“Well, of all the nerve!”

17 years ago

While reading about either dirty trick or carelessness in the Lambeth run-up is fun, try reading the excerpts from an article by former TEC PB Griswold’s daughter about her interview with Akinola. It can be found at Father Jake’s Blog.

17 years ago

_there’ve been plenty like him before (some of us do remember a bit of Anglo-Catholic history)_ Well, actually, I wouldn’t so compare Martyn Minns. I have a lot of time for some episcopi vagantes, and the Anglican history of such as Arnold Harris Mathew and Ulric Vernon Herford and after is rather biased to say the least. Some here might just find that some of the roads taken by Liberal Catholicism have more to suggest positively than just the activities of some sorts of odd bods. Martyn Minns can be understood purely as an internal Anglican matter, prior to attempting… Read more »

Cheryl Va.
17 years ago

Yes Counterlight. But who’s nerve is it?

Lambeth, who deny sending the letters?

Or the scallywags who actually did send the letters?

At the end of the day there’s at least one camp of deceivers. Either Lambeth issue things and then deny that they do it. Or somebody else issues things and purports to be Lambeth when they are not.

17 years ago

Follow up to my comment regarding this comment:

_there’ve been plenty like him before (some of us do remember a bit of Anglo-Catholic history)_

Some may like to evaluate what they make of this:

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