Thinking Anglicans

San Joaquin further developments

Episcopal News Service reports:

House of Bishops deposes Schofield; San Joaquin special convention set for March 29. It includes:

…The Presiding Bishop, during a telephone press conference after the conclusion of the March 7-12 Camp Allen meeting in Navasota, Texas, said she will personally convene the special convention in San Joaquin. She declined to identify a nominee for provisional bishop.

“As of today he is no longer a bishop in the Episcopal Church,” she said of Schofield. “Matters down the road will include clarifying the status of Corp Sole, which is how property is held in that diocese…”


San Joaquin diocese asked to consider Jerry Lamb as provisional bishop:

Bishop Jerry A. Lamb — retired bishop of Northern California and most recently interim bishop of Nevada — has been recommended by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori to serve as provisional bishop of the Central California Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin.

Lamb can begin work in this capacity after ratification by the diocese’s convention, set to meet March 29 in Lodi, California…

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17 years ago

Those nasty LIBERALS, I tried to save my diocese by STEALING it and now they want to FIRE me!!!!


17 years ago

+Jerry Lamb is a wonderful bishop: thanks be to God! 😀

17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago

Does this mean that ‘Margaret’ only approves of disciplinary action for those who break the rules of which she approves. I don’t think that I want to play Monopoly with her then.

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

“One for them!” has been the Slogan for some years now.

17 years ago

It’s call Spring Cleaning, Margaret.

Just in time for Easter, TEC is being *resurrected*: this is the Lord’s work, and it is MARVELOUS in our eyes!

17 years ago

I don’t know why the so-called “orthodox” continue to argue that the deposing of JDS, et al., demonstrates that TEC doesn’t really care for “diversity.” It seems clear to me that when a Bishop of one Church becomes a Bishop in another Church, he perforce has abandoned his position in the first. It’s pretty much the same in any field, in fact; when a person quits a job, he can’t continue to claim the position (and the benefits). IOW, it has nothing to do with “diversity” or not; it’s a simple matter of classification (and, now that I think of… Read more »

17 years ago

“Matters down the road will include clarifying the status of Corp Sole, which is how property is held in that diocese…”

Here come the lawyers! 815 looking to score some cash…now there’s a shocker.

How very sad. How utterly pathetic.

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
17 years ago

“Here come the lawyers! 815 looking to score some cash…now there’s a shocker.

How very sad. How utterly pathetic.”

The con-evos looking to walk away with property that doesn’t belong to them.

How very typical. How utterly commonplace.

Ren Aguila
Ren Aguila
17 years ago

Okay–I think I said this before, but we rely on some form of non-anonymity for us to take responsibility for what we say. The NPs of this blog (and I think she’s posting elsewhere on at least one other liberal one, under a new name), on whatever side, should take note.

robert ian williams
robert ian williams
17 years ago

Just read on Stand Firm how Bishop Schofield is pleased to be in the same category as the theologian James Packer.

Doctor Packer’s whole ministry and writings have been the denial of the following:

1) the absolute necessity and divine origin of episcopacy.
2) Baptismal regeneration
3) the real presence and Eucharistic sacrifice.

He has unequivocally promoted the heresies of Calvin, which he correctly believes are in the 39 articles of religion.

How can an Anglo-Catholic Bishiop support such a theologian?

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