Thinking Anglicans

international reports

Here are the four key American newspaper sources:
The New York Times Openly Gay Man Is Made a Bishop and African Anglicans Vent Anger at Gay Bishop
The Washington Post Episcopalians Consecrate First Openly Gay Bishop
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Openly gay man becomes Episcopal bishop but more interesting is Steve Levin’s account of local events yesterday, Fellowship prevails in local service where conservative meets liberals.
Larry Stammer reports in the Los Angeles Times Episcopalians Consecrate Openly Gay Bishop.
Christianity Today’s Doug LeBlanc filed Gay Bishop Consecrated Despite Objections
if you want more American reports there is a huge list of them here (scroll down to second item).

From Australia, the broadcaster, ABC News has Sydney Archbishop fears church split (this has audio and video links) and later, Peter Jensen appeared on ABC TV’s Lateline programme. Read the transcript here or with Real Player, watch it here. This interview is worth studying.

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Don Temples
Don Temples
20 years ago

Here are some of the links that Christianity Today overlooked, from the The Boston Globe … New Hampshire is within their coverage. The Christianity Today weblog only lists a negative story about the people upset over Robinson’s consecration. These other stories from the Globe create a more complete picture.

“Stories from a historic evening (AP story)”:

“Raised voices, signs at UNH (Globe story)”:

“Robinson elevated as first gay bishop (Globe story)”:

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