Thinking Anglicans

American news catchup

TA has not reported any stories from the USA for two whole weeks. Time to catch up on some items from there.

Gregory Venables will be visiting Fresno, on 29 April, see details here.

And then he will be visiting Fort Worth, see details here.

Meanwhile the Living Church reports San Joaquin Incorporation Likely Faces Court Test. It also reports that there will be No Pre-Lambeth Meeting for House of Bishops.

The Bishops in the State of Ohio have taken a public stand on state legislation that seeks to secure equal access to housing and employment opportunities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons. See Bishops Support Legislation Protecting Civil Rights of Gay and Lesbian Persons.

New lawsuits have arisen in Ohio and in Central New York.

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Fr Mark
16 years ago

Great to see the Ohio bishops being fully committed to spreading human rights, in a way that the majority of English bishops have consistently failed to do. The C of E bishops mouth off about respect for rights, and then vote against them every time equality legislation comes up in the Lords. The Ohio bishops let their yea simply be yea and their nay be nay: well done, them. Couldn’t some of them come across the Atlantic and run the C of E please?

16 years ago

Yes, proud to be a Buckeye (some kind of nut as they say in that unmentionable state to the north…)

On an interesting note elsewhere, there has been a court ruling (not sure where) about dis-allowing using DNA samples in hiring practices. So….if sexuality can be proved as being genetic in nature…you get the rest of the story, as it lays a pretty powerful argument for future legislation.

16 years ago

My report of the DNA ruling was in error, it was not a ruling, but legislation in the U.S. Senate. My apologies.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
16 years ago

“that unmentionable state to the north”

Actually, Ohio is what its natives call it. To the north, where science, knowledge, and poetry thrive, as well as Wolverines, it is known as ‘that parking lot down there.’

Of course there’s the story about the proper Boston grande dame who asked a young man at a reception where he was from.

“Ohio, ma’am, ” he said.

“Here,” she responded, “we pronounce that Iowa.”

16 years ago

“My report of the DNA ruling was in error, it was not a ruling, but legislation in the U.S. Senate.” Actually, choirboy, I was wondering if that legislation (if it becomes law: to ban “genetic discrimination”, in hiring and insurance practices) might have even more immediate beneficial effects for transgendered persons. Ergo, a man should not be discriminated against, for having a second X chromosome, nor a woman discriminated against, for having a Y chromosome. Here in the land of “science, knowledge, and poetry … as well as Wolverines” * (thanks, CG!) I know that at least all our our… Read more »

16 years ago

Hey JCF, at least us Uhiaians made the news! Seriously, are you including the Diocese of Northern (Marquette) Michigan in your quotation of all bishops? Even more seriously, we Buckeyes do have one of the most oppressive anti-LGBT constitution (state) amendments on civil unions. At least our bishops (and our present governor, a Methodist cleric no less) is trying hard to change this. We’re working hard, trust me. Going to fit-out the cottage in the U.P. (separate ‘state’ of the unmentionable state to the north) tonight. Will try not to step in it when I go by that place on… Read more »

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