Thinking Anglicans

another follow-up to the attack story

Nigeria: Archbishop Denies Attack On Homosexuals

[ Linked via AllAfrica. The original of this story was at this URL but has now gone.]

Leadership (Abuja)
23 April 2008
Posted to the web 23 April 2008

Archbishop Benjamin Kwashi, of the Jos province, (Anglican Communion), has denied allegations that the leader of a group representing “Anglican” homosexuals in the country was attacked.

In an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) yesterday in Abuja, Kwashi rebuffed a statement credited to the Archbishop of Canterbury (ABC) on the alleged attack.

Kwashi was reacting to an allegation by Mr Davis Mac-Iyalla, leader of Changing Attitude Nigeria, that homosexuals were being physically assaulted in the country.

Iyalla had requested the intervention of the ABC as the ‘spiritual leader’ of the global Anglican Communion.

According to Kwashi, the ABC criticised the alleged assaults on gay Anglicans in Nigeria , describing it as ” latest round of unchristian bullying .”

However, the Jos archbishop said: “I have personally tried to discover the place or nature of the attacks and threats without success.

“It is wrong for Canterbury and a group of English Bishops to accuse the Church of Nigeria of being the perpetrator of a physical attack on the streets.

“If a Nigerian Bishop or church leader was mugged in England would the Archbishop of Canterbury or even the Church of England in general be blamed for this?”

He maintained that “the Church of Nigeria would not be bullied and was committed to the human rights of all people”.

“We will not condone violence against people even though they behave in a way that is not acceptable to us.

“And none of us wishes to be responsible (either directly or indirectly) for murder or violence perpetrated by another person, ” he added.

The arguments in the Anglican Church over homosexuality came to the fore in 2003 with the ordination of a gay Bishop, Rt. Rev Gene Robins of USA.

Since then the Church has been sharply divided between conservative Anglicans who were adamant that ordaining gay clergy or blessing in the church is a sin.

However, the liberals insist on tolerance and inclusion of homosexual people. Kwashi, is the Coordinating Bishop of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA), a missionary initiative of the Church of Nigeria.

He said that Nigeria would do all in its power to maintain the unity of the Body of Christ. “But we shall not compromise or “dilute” the gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” he said.

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16 years ago

What exactly is the point in denying that Davis was attacked? Not just questioning, mind, but denying it outright?

Tunde really needs to be replaced.

Colin Coward
16 years ago

This report adds to the inaccuracies that have repeatedly occurred in the news resulting from the attack on Davis Mac-Iyalla, the Open Letter and the response from the Archbishop of Canterbury. There was no allegation that Davis Mac-Iyalla was attacked but a factual report of the attack. Davis Mac-Iyalla did not ask the Archbishop of Canterbury to intervene. The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishops (not all of them English) and others who signed the open letter did NOT accuse the Church of Nigeria of being the perpetrator of a physical attack on the streets. Nigerian Bishops and church leaders… Read more »

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
16 years ago

I do wish you would drop this…you are shooting yourselves in the foot, and erecting a pathetic straw man. It detracts from the serious theological flaw in GAFCON, the connivance of Anglo-Catholics and Evangelicals, who believe contracdictory Gospels.

16 years ago

De Nile is SUCH a BIG river in Africa….

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