Thinking Anglicans

Prayers for Burma

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has written to the Anglican church in Burma following the devastation of Cyclone Nargis in the area of the Irrawaddy River Delta.

See statement from Lambeth Palace here, and for background links to relief agencies, see the ACNS copy here.

In the letter to Archbishop Stephen Than Myint Oo, Dr Williams assures the church of the prayers of the Anglican Communion and commends the rescue operation now underway:

“I am heartened to know relief efforts are underway to help hundreds of thousands of people who are without clean water, food, or shelter. Our hearts grieve with all those who have lost their loved ones, their homes and their livelihoods. In the face of such loss, all I can offer in my prayers for you is the totality of the love of God, even in the face of all that on earth is disfigured by natural disaster. ‘This is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day.’ (John 6.39). Please be assured that your brothers and sisters across the Communion are holding you in their prayers.”

The Anglican church in Burma is known as the Church of the Province of Myanmar. Its leader is The Most Revd Stephen Than Myint Oo, Archbishop of Myanmar & Bishop of Yangon.

Update from the Anglican Church of the Province of Myanmar

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Francisco de Assis da Silva
16 years ago

Very appropriate the Archbishop’s message to our sister church in Myanmar. We live in difficult times. The increasing cases of disasters in various parts worldwide is a clear consequence of inadequate economic use of the natural resources.
May God help us to offer solidarity with the victims and share with them the weight of their pain and losses!

Leonardo Ricardo, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Leonardo Ricardo, San Juan, Puerto Rico
16 years ago

May God help us to offer solidarity with the victims and share with them the weight of their pain and losses!

Posted by: Francisco de Assis da Silva


Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

There is a similarity in attitude between Burma and Nigeria: both are building a new Capital in the midst of nowhere.

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago
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