Thinking Anglicans

CT interview of VGR

Last week, the Church Times carried a lengthy article in which the Editor, Paul Handley, interviewed the Bishop of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson.

This is now available for all to read, at Never lonelier, never more blessed.

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16 years ago

The most interesting anecdote was the story of the would be schismatics who demanded and demanded and demanded that the Bishop of Albany be the one to provide DEPO. And when they were offered Albany, they rejected it.

So, turns out the supposed persecution of the pretendy orthodox is so mush bilge after all.

16 years ago

“I believe the suggestion was that you can pay $5 and have a kiss from Bishop Robinson or $10 not to.”

LOL! [No, the ability to laugh at one’s self is not an *infallible* sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit—but it’s pretty close. ;-)]

Beautiful, Godly man—with a beautiful, Godly *family*. Alleluia!

16 years ago

Yes, this lighter touch – a kissing booth at Lambeth staffed by the only honestly gay Anglican bishop – may be part of just what this next Lambeth needs to get over its holy, long-nosed, pinched-face, vestment-clad, isolated and proud of being isolated, self.

The God Jesus points out for us – incarnates for us – is inevitably that creator who made Homo Ludens.

16 years ago

+Gene says: “…one of the things I’ve learned — and I’ve learned this from the most conservative people in our House of Bishops — is that they perceive that the fuller inclusion of gay and lesbian people in the Church is the precursor, the sort of camel’s nose under the tent, to the deconstruction of other essentials, whether that be the divinity of Christ, or the Trinity, or the resurrection. That could not be further from the truth about me.” Y’know, I rather wish +Gene would go all out and publish articles outlining his faith in just that way. A… Read more »

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“But a vigorous defense of orthodox theology from the first openly gay bishop would answer that challenge.” Amen!!! This refers back to what I mentioned on another thread, and what has been an issue for me for the beginning: the extreme reluctance of clergy to actually argue outside the box, so to speak. It is the world that gives us ideas of human rights and ways to identify oppression in our lives so that we can then oppose it. It is the world that tells us that affirmation of our politics, our sexuality, our relationships, our own beliefs are paramount.… Read more »

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